About us


This work has been funded by FRDC, CSIRO and Cathy Dichmont Consulting.

Project staff

Dr Cathy Dichmont has a national and international reputation in stock assessment, modeling natural systems, natural resource management, shared fisheries stocks, and management strategy evaluation (MSE) and has been Principal Investigator in numerous collaborative and multi-disciplinary projects over her career. She has over 25 years of experience in temperate and tropical marine ecosystems at international and regional levels. She was the lead contributor to bio-economic modelling that rejuvenated prawn fishing in the Gulf of Carpentaria for which she won the CSIRO medal for Research Achievement.

Dr André Punt is a Senior Principal Investigator at CSIRO and a Professor at the University of Washington where he is the Director. The research conducted by his lab relates to the development and testing of methods for assessing the past and current status of fish, invertebrate and marine mammal populations. They use these assessments as the basis for forecasts that evaluate which methods for managing these populations will best achieve the goals established by society for those populations. They are exploring how to manage marine populations in the face of changing societal goals, climate change, ocean acidification, and the lack of data which is typical of the marine environment.

Dr Natalie Dowling is a Senior Research Scientist, with CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Her main current area of interest is in developing harvest strategies in data-limited contexts, which remains a global scientific and management challenge. She has worked both nationally and internationally on particularly data-limited fisheries assessments. Dr Dowling was a member of the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis’ Science for Nature and People Project (SNAPP) Working Group, “Managing Data Limited Fisheries for Economic and Biological Objectives”. Within this Working Group, she initiated and helped to develop the FishPath decision support system. Dr. Dowling works closely with The Nature Conservancy (USA) and NOAA as a core member of the FishPath team. Together, this team continues to develop, expand, refine, and apply the FishPath tool to fisheries globally.

Mr Roy Deng is a Fishery Scientist within CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. His strengths is in fishery model programming, spatial analysis and fishery data management. He has been primarily working on the development of stock assessment models, Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) models and the ecosystem models for Australia Northern Prawn Fishery (NPF) and he is currently taking pivot roles in maintaining the models and conducting the annual NPF tiger prawn stock assessment. He has also involved in development of various other fishery and ecosystem related models including MSE model and Harvest control rules analysis for Torres Straight Rock Lobster fishery, MSE analysis for the NPF white banana prawns, the stock assessment model for NPF red-leg banana prawns and related red-leg banana prawn MSE model. He also takes over responsibilities to conduct the annual NPF pre-season fishery independent surveys results analysis to provide critical analytic results to support the project.

The web site was designed by Angela Tsang from FRDC.