Links to Stock Assessment Reports
Although this web site is about stock assessment packages, there has been a need expressed that stock assessments reports in general are not placed in a single place for easy perusal. We have started with Australian assessments. There is no reason why this page needs to be Australian assessments only. If you wish to add a stock assessment report, use the survey link facility provided.
Assessment reports 18 Sept 2024
Country | Jurisdiction | Main.Fisheries | | Target.Species | Report.Type | Assessment.Type | | Authors | First.Author.Affiliation | Date | |
Australia | CCAMLR | Heard Island and McDonald Islands | Patagonian Toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | CASAL | Ziegler, P. and Welsford, D. | Australian Antarctic Division | 2015 | |
Australia | CCAMLR | Sub-Antarctic | Antarctic grenadier | Macrourus sp | Stock Assessment | CPUE to seabed area | bespoke | Maschette, D, Burch, P, Yates, P, Ziegler, P | AAD | 2017 | Link_not_available |
Australia | CCSBT: Federal | SBT | Southern Bluefin Tuna | Thunnus maccoyii | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Hillary, R.M., Preece, A. L. and Davies, C. R. | CSIRO | 2017 | |
Australia | CCSBT: Federal | SBT | Southern Bluefin Tuna | Thunnus maccoyii | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Hillary, R.M., Preece, A. L., Takahashi, N., Davies, C. R., and Itoh, T. | CSIRO + FRA | 2023 | |
Australia | Federal | HIMI | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | CASAL | Ziegler P, Welsford D, de la Mare W and Burch P | AAD | 2014 | Link_not_available |
Australia | Federal | HIMI | Mackerel icefish | Champsocephalus gunnari | Stock Assessment | GYM | bespoke | Maschette D, Burch P, Yates P and Welsford D | AAD | 2017 | Link_not_available |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Stock Assessment | Tag-recapture model | Unique | Tuck GN, Williams R, Constable AJ, Smith ADM, He X and Hearn WS | CSIRO + AAD | 1998 | |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Stock Assessment | Tag-recapture model | Unique | Tuck GN and Williams R | CSIRO + AAD | 2001 | Not_available_online SAFAG13/5 |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Tuck GN, Thomson RB, Williams R, Punt AE and Lamb T | CSIRO + AAD | 2004 | Not_available_online SAFAG20/2 |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Stock Assessment | Tag-recapture model | Unique | Tuck GN, Williams R and Lamb T | CSIRO + AAD | 2004 | Not_available_online SAFAG20/1 |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Stock Assessment | Tag-recapture model | Unique | Tuck GN, Williams R and Lamb T | CSIRO + AAD | 2005 | Not_available_online SAFAG23/1 |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Tuck GN , Pribac F and Lamb T | CSIRO + AAD | 2006 | Integrated assessment of Patagonian toothfish in the Aurora Trough region of Macquarie Island ( |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Stock Assessment | Tag-recapture model | Unique | Tuck GN , Pribac F, Lamb T and Williams R | CSIRO + AAD | 2006 | Abundance estimation and TAC setting for Patagonian toothfish at Macquarie Island ( |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Tuck GN and Lamb T | CSIRO + AAD | 2008 | Not_available_online |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Fay G, Tuck GN and Lamb T | CSIRO + AAD | 2009 | Not_available_online |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Fay G, Haddon M and Tuck GN | CSIRO | 2010 | CSIRO Research Publications Repository - Publication |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Fay G, Haddon M and Tuck GN | CSIRO | 2010 | CSIRO Research Publications Repository - Publication | |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Tuck GN and Fay G | CSIRO | 2011 | Not_available_online |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Fay, G | CSIRO | 2011 | Not_available_online |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Tuck GN and Fay G | CSIRO | 2011 | Not_available_online | |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Fay, G | CSIRO | 2011 | Not_available_online | |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Wayte S and Fay G | CSIRO | 2012 | Not_available_online |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Wayte S and Fay G | CSIRO | 2012 | Not_available_online | |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Wayte S and Fay G | CSIRO | 2013 | Not_available_online |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Wayte S and Fay G | CSIRO | 2013 | Not_available_online | |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Hillary R, Wayte S, Day J and Haddon M | CSIRO | 2014 | |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J, Wayte S, Haddon M and Hillary R | CSIRO | 2014 | Not_available_online |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Hillary R, Wayte S, Day J and Haddon M | CSIRO | 2014 | | |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J, Wayte S, Haddon M and Hillary R | CSIRO | 2014 | Not_available_online | |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J and Hillary R | CSIRO | 2015 | |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J and Hillary R | CSIRO | 2015 | | |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J, Haddon M and Hillary R | CSIRO | 2016 | |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J, Haddon M and Hillary R | CSIRO | 2016 | | |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J and Hillary R | CSIRO | 2017 | |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J and Hillary R | CSIRO | 2017 | | |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Hillary R and Day J | CSIRO | 2018 | |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Hillary R and Day J | CSIRO | 2018 | | |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J and Hillary R | CSIRO | 2019 | Not_available_online |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J and Hillary R | CSIRO | 2019 | Not_available_online | |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Bessell-Browne P and Hillary R | CSIRO | 2023 | |
Australia | Federal | Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery | Patagonian toothfish | Dissostichus eleginoides | Integrated assessment | Unique | Bessell-Browne P and Hillary R | CSIRO | 2023 | | |
Australia | Federal | NPF | Blue Endeavour Prawn | Metapenaeus endeavouri | Stock Assessment | Surplus production | Unique | Hutton, T., Deng, R.A., Plaganyi, E., Pascoe, S., Miller, M., Upston, J., Punt, A., Moeseneder, C., Kompas, T., Sterling, D., and Lawrence, E. | CSIRO | 2018 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | NPF | Red leg banana prawn | Penaeus indicus | Stock Assessment | Surplus production | Unique | Hutton, T., Deng, R.A., Plaganyi, E., Pascoe, S., Miller, M., Upston, J., Punt, A., Moeseneder, C., Kompas, T., Sterling, D., and Lawrence, E. | CSIRO | 2018 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | NPF | Tiger prawn | Penaeus semisulcatus; Penaeus esculentus | Stock Assessment | Size-structured | Unique | Hutton, T., Deng, R.A., Plaganyi, E., Pascoe, S., Miller, M., Upston, J., Punt, A., Moeseneder, C., Kompas, T., Sterling, D., and Lawrence, E. | CSIRO | 2018 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | NPF | Blue Endeavour Prawn | Metapenaeus endeavouri | Stock Assessment | Surplus production | Unique | Deng, R.A., Miller, M., Upston, J., Hutton, T., Moeseneder, C., Punt, E.A. and Pascoe, S. | CSIRO | 2022 | |
Australia | Federal | NPF | Red endeavour prawn | Metapenaeus ensis | Stock Assessment | Surplus production | Unique | Deng, R.A., Miller, M., Upston, J., Hutton, T., Moeseneder, C., Punt, E.A. and Pascoe, S. | CSIRO | 2022 | |
Australia | Federal | NPF | Red leg banana prawn | Penaeus indicus | Stock Assessment | Surplus production | Unique | Plagányi, É.E., Deng, R.A., Upston, J., Miller, M., Hutton, T. | CSIRO | 2022 | |
Australia | Federal | NPF | Tiger prawn | Penaeus semisulcatus; Penaeus esculentus | Stock Assessment | Size-structured | Unique | Deng, R.A., Miller, M., Upston, J., Hutton, T., Moeseneder, C., Punt, E.A. and Pascoe, S. | CSIRO | 2022 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue grenadier | Macruronus novaezelandiae | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Tuck GN and Thomson RB | CSIRO | 2003 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue grenadier | Macruronus novaezelandiae | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Tuck GN, Thomson R, Smith DC, Talman S and Punt AE | CSIRO + MAFRI | 2004 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue grenadier | Macruronus novaezelandiae | Integrated assessment | Unique | Tuck GN, Thomson R, Smith DC, Talman S and Punt AE | CSIRO + MAFRI | 2004 | Link_no_longer_available | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue grenadier | Macruronus novaezelandiae | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Tuck GN and Punt AE | CSIRO | 2005 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue warehou | Seriolella brama | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Punt AE | CSIRO | 2005 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Jackass morwong | Nemadactylus macropterus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Fay G | CSIRO | 2005 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Numerous | Numerous | Stock Assessment | Tier 3 | Unique | Klaer N and Thomson R | CSIRO | 2005 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Orange roughy (Cascade) | Hoplostethus atlanticus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Wayte S | CSIRO | 2005 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Redfish (Eastern) | Centroberyx affinis | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Coleraine | Klaer N | CSIRO | 2005 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Tiger flathead | Neoplatycephalus richardsoni | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Punt AE | CSIRO | 2005 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Deepwater flathead, Bight redfish | Neoplatycephalus conatus, Centroberyx gerrardi | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Coleraine | Wise B and Klaer N | CSIRO + ABARES | 2005 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Silver Trevally | Pseudocaranx dentex | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Coleraine | Day JR, Klaer and Rowling K | CSIRO + NSW | 2005 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Silver Trevally | Pseudocaranx dentex | Integrated assessment | Coleraine | Day JR, Klaer and Rowling K | CSIRO + NSW | 2005 | Link_no_longer_available | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Deepwater flathead, Bight redfish | Neoplatycephalus conatus, Centroberyx gerrardi | Integrated assessment | Coleraine | Wise B and Klaer N | CSIRO + ABARES | 2005 | Link_no_longer_available | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue eye trevalla | Hyperoglyphe antarctica | Stock Assessment | Tier 3 | Unique | Fay G | CSIRO | 2006 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue grenadier | Macruronus novaezelandiae | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Tuck GN and Punt AE | CSIRO | 2006 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue warehou | Seriolella brama | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Punt AE | CSIRO | 2006 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Deepwater Flathead, Bight Redfish | Neoplatycephalus conatus, Centroberyx gerrardi | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Klaer N and Day J | CSIRO | 2006 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Deepwater flathead, Bight redfish | Neoplatycephalus conatus, Centroberyx gerrardi | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Klaer N and Day J | CSIRO | 2006 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Deepwater species | Numerous | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Wayte S | CSIRO | 2006 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Jackass morwong | Nemadactylus macropterus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Fay G | CSIRO | 2006 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Numerous | Numerous | Stock Assessment | Tier 3 | Unique | Klaer N and Thomson R | CSIRO | 2006 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Numerous | Numerous | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Haddon M | CSIRO | 2006 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Orange roughy (Cascade) | Hoplostethus atlanticus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Wayte S and Bax N | CSIRO | 2006 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Orange roughy (East) | Hoplostethus atlanticus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Wayte S | CSIRO | 2006 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Tiger flathead | Neoplatycephalus richardsoni | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Klaer N | CSIRO | 2006 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Gummy shark | Mustelus antarcticus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Punt AE, Pribac F, Walker T and Gason A | CSIRO + MAFRI | 2006 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Pink Ling | Genypterus blacodes | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Taylor B | MAFRI | 2006 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | School shark | Galeorhinus galeus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Punt AE, Pribac F, Walker T and Gason A | CSIRO + MAFRI | 2006 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Silver Trevally | Pseudocaranx dentex | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day JR, Rowling K and Punt AE | CSIRO + NSW | 2006 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Silver Trevally | Pseudocaranx dentex | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day JR, Rowling K and Punt AE | CSIRO + NSW | 2006 | Link_no_longer_available | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Pink Ling | Genypterus blacodes | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Taylor B | MAFRI | 2006 | Link_no_longer_available | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Gummy shark | Mustelus antarcticus | Integrated assessment | Unique | Punt AE, Pribac F, Walker T and Gason A | CSIRO + MAFRI | 2006 | Link_no_longer_available | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | School shark | Galeorhinus galeus | Integrated assessment | Unique | Punt AE, Pribac F, Walker T and Gason A | CSIRO + MAFRI | 2006 | Link_no_longer_available | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue grenadier | Macruronus novaezelandiae | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Tuck GN, Punt AE and Koopman MT | CSIRO + MAFRI | 2007 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Deepwater Flathead, Bight Redfish | Neoplatycephalus conatus, Centroberyx gerrardi | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Klaer NL and Day J | CSIRO | 2007 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Deepwater flathead, Bight redfish | Neoplatycephalus conatus, Centroberyx gerrardi | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Klaer N | CSIRO | 2007 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Deepwater species | Numerous | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Wayte S | CSIRO | 2007 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Elephant fish, Sawshark | Callorhinchus milii, Pristiophorus spp | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Pribac F | CSIRO | 2007 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Jackass morwong | Nemadactylus macropterus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Wayte S and Fay G | CSIRO | 2007 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Gemfish (East) | Rexea solandri | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Little R, Rowling K and Punt AE | CSIRO + NSW | 2007 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Numerous | Numerous | Stock Assessment | Tier 3 | Unique | Klaer N | CSIRO | 2007 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Numerous | Numerous | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Haddon M | CSIRO | 2007 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | School whiting | Sillago flindersi | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J | CSIRO | 2007 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Silver Warehou | Seriolella punctata | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Tuck GN and Punt AE | CSIRO | 2007 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Tiger flathead | Neoplatycephalus richardsoni | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Klaer N | CSIRO | 2007 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Pink Ling | Genypterus blacodes | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Taylor B | MAFRI | 2007 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue grenadier | Macruronus novaezelandiae | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Tuck GN, Punt AE and Koopman MT | CSIRO + MAFRI | 2007 | Link_no_longer_available | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Pink Ling | Genypterus blacodes | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Taylor B | MAFRI | 2007 | Link_no_longer_available | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Gemfish (East) | Rexea solandri | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Little R, Rowling K and Punt AE | CSIRO + NSW | 2007 | Link_no_longer_available | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Gemfish (East) | Rexea solandri | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Little R and Rowling K | CSIRO + NSW | 2008 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue eye trevalla | Hyperoglyphe antarctica | Stock Assessment | Tier 3 | Unique | Klaer N | CSIRO | 2008 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue grenadier | Macruronus novaezelandiae | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Tuck GN | CSIRO | 2008 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue warehou (East) | Seriolella brama | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Punt AE | CSIRO | 2008 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue warehou (West) | Seriolella brama | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Punt AE | CSIRO | 2008 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Deepwater species | Numerous | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Wayte S and Fuller M | CSIRO | 2008 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Jackass morwong | Nemadactylus macropterus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Wayte S and Fay G | CSIRO | 2008 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Numerous | Numerous | Stock Assessment | Tier 3 | Unique | Klaer N | CSIRO | 2008 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Numerous | Numerous | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Haddon M | CSIRO | 2008 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | School shark | Galeorhinus galeus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Thomson R and Punt AE | CSIRO | 2008 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | School whiting | Sillago flindersi | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J | CSIRO | 2008 | Draft AFMA 2008 PART 1 v2 ( |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Silver Warehou | Seriolella punctata | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Tuck GN | CSIRO | 2008 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Tiger flathead | Neoplatycephalus richardsoni | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Klaer N | CSIRO | 2008 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Pink Ling | Genypterus blacodes | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Taylor B | MAFRI | 2008 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Pink Ling | Genypterus blacodes | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Taylor B | MAFRI | 2008 | Link_no_longer_available | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Gemfish (East) | Rexea solandri | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Little R and Rowling K | CSIRO + NSW | 2008 | Link_no_longer_available | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Deepwater flathead, Bight redfish | Neoplatycephalus conatus, Centroberyx gerrardi | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Klaer N | CSIRO | 2009 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Deepwater species | Numerous | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Haddon M and Wayte S | CSIRO | 2009 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Gemfish (East) | Rexea solandri | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Little R | CSIRO | 2009 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Jackass morwong | Nemadactylus macropterus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Wayte S | CSIRO | 2009 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Numerous | Numerous | Stock Assessment | Tier 3 | Unique | Klaer N | CSIRO | 2009 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Numerous | Numerous | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Haddon M | CSIRO | 2009 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | School Shark | Galeorhinus galeus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Thomson R and Punt AE | CSIRO | 2009 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | School whiting | Sillago flindersi | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J | CSIRO | 2009 | Draft AFMA Part 1 2009 v3 ( |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Silver Warehou | Seriolella punctata | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Tuck GN and Fay G | CSIRO | 2009 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Tiger flathead | Neoplatycephalus richardsoni | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Klaer N | CSIRO | 2009 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Pink Ling | Genypterus blacodes | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Taylor B | MAFRI | 2009 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Pink Ling | Genypterus blacodes | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Taylor B | MAFRI | 2009 | Link_no_longer_available | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Gemfish (East) | Rexea solandri | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Little R and Rowling K | CSIRO + NSW | 2010 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Deepwater flathead | Neoplatycephalus conatus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Klaer N | CSIRO | 2010 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Pink Ling | Genypterus blacodes | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Taylor B | MAFRI | 2010 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Deepwater species | Numerous | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Haddon M | CSIRO | 2010 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Gummy shark | Mustelus antarcticus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Punt AE and Thomson R | CSIRO | 2010 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Jackass morwong | Nemadactylus macropterus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Wayte S | CSIRO | 2010 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Numerous | Numerous | Stock Assessment | Tier 3 | Unique | Klaer N | CSIRO | 2010 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Numerous | Numerous | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Haddon M | CSIRO | 2010 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | School whiting | Sillago flindersi | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J | CSIRO | 2010 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Silver Warehou | Seriolella punctata | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Tuck GN and Fay G | CSIRO | 2010 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Tiger flathead | Neoplatycephalus richardsoni | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Klaer N | CSIRO | 2010 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Pink Ling | Genypterus blacodes | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Taylor B | MAFRI | 2010 | Link_no_longer_available | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Gemfish (East) | Rexea solandri | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Little R and Rowling K | CSIRO + NSW | 2010 | Link_no_longer_available | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Pink Ling | Genypterus blacodes | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Punt AE and Taylor B | CSIRO + MAFRI | 2011 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Bight redfish | Centroberyx gerrardi | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Klaer N | CSIRO | 2011 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue grenadier | Macruronus novaezelandiae | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Tuck GN, Whitten A and Punt AE | CSIRO | 2011 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Elephant fish, Sawshark | Callorhinchus milii, Pristiophorus spp | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Haddon M | CSIRO | 2011 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Jackass morwong | Nemadactylus macropterus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Wayte S | CSIRO | 2011 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Numerous | Numerous | Stock Assessment | Tier 3 | Unique | Klaer N | CSIRO | 2011 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Numerous | Numerous | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Haddon M | CSIRO | 2011 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Orange roughy (East) | Hoplostethus atlanticus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Upston J and Wayte S | CSIRO | 2011 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Pink Ling | Genypterus blacodes | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Punt AE and Taylor B | CSIRO + MAFRI | 2011 | Link_no_longer_available | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Pink Ling | Genypterus blacodes | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Whitten A, Punt AE and Taylor B | CSIRO + MAFRI | 2012 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Deepwater flathead | Neoplatycephalus conatus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Klaer N | CSIRO | 2012 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Elephant fish, Sawshark | Callorhinchus milii, Pristiophorus spp | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Haddon M | CSIRO | 2012 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Jackass morwong | Nemadactylus macropterus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Wayte S | CSIRO | 2012 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Numerous | Numerous | Stock Assessment | Tier 3 | Unique | Klaer N | CSIRO | 2012 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Numerous | Numerous | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Haddon M | CSIRO | 2012 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | School shark | Galeorhinus galeus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Thomson R | CSIRO | 2012 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Silver warehou | Seriolella punctata | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J, Klaer N and Tuck GN | CSIRO | 2012 | Link_no_longer_available, this is maybe not correct |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Silver warehou | Seriolella punctata | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J, Thomson R, Tuck GN | CSIRO | 2012 | | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Pink Ling | Genypterus blacodes | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Whitten A, Punt AE and Taylor B | CSIRO + MAFRI | 2012 | Link_no_longer_available | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue grenadier | Macruronus novaezelandiae | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Tuck GN | CSIRO | 2013 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Deepwater flathead | Neoplatycephalus conatus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Klaer N | CSIRO | 2013 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Elephant fish, Sawshark | Callorhinchus milii, Pristiophorus spp | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Haddon M | CSIRO | 2013 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Gummy shark | Mustelus antarcticus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Thomson R and Sporcic M | CSIRO | 2013 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Jackass morwong | Nemadactylus macropterus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Wayte S | CSIRO | 2013 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Numerous | Numerous | Stock Assessment | Tier 3 | Unique | Klaer N | CSIRO | 2013 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Numerous | Numerous | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Haddon M | CSIRO | 2013 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Pink Ling | Genypterus blacodes | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Whitten A and Punt AE | CSIRO | 2013 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Tiger flathead | Neoplatycephalus richardsoni | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J and Klaer N | CSIRO | 2013 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue grenadier | Macruronus novaezelandiae | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Tuck GN | CSIRO | 2014 | Remove - wrong year (2013) | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Elephant fish, Sawshark | Callorhinchus milii, Pristiophorus spp | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Haddon M | CSIRO | 2014 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Mirror dory, John dory | Zenopsis nebulosa, Zeus faber | Stock Assessment | Tier 3 | Unique | Thomson R | CSIRO | 2014 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Mirror dory, John dory | Zenopsis nebulosa, Zeus faber | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Haddon M | CSIRO | 2014 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Orange roughy (East) | Hoplostethus atlanticus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Upston J, Punt AE, Wayte S, Ryan T, Day J and Sporcic M | CSIRO | 2014 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Redfish (Eastern) | Centroberyx affinis | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Tuck GN and Day J | CSIRO | 2014 | Redfish2014-1.pdf ( |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Pink ling (East & West) | Genypterus blacodes | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | CASAL | Cordue P | Innovative Solutions Ltd | 2015 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Bight redfish | Centroberyx gerrardi | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Haddon M | CSIRO | 2015 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Elephant fish, Sawshark | Callorhinchus milii, Pristiophorus spp | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Sporcic M | CSIRO | 2015 | Stock Assessment for the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery 2015 Part 2 | Australian Fisheries Management Authority ( |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Jackass morwong (West) | Nemadactylus macropterus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Tuck GN, Day J and Wayte S | CSIRO | 2015 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Mirror dory, Jackass Morwong (west), Blue eye trevalla | Zenopsis nebulosa, Nemadactylus macropterus, Hyperoglyphe antarctica | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Sporcic M | CSIRO | 2015 | Stock Assessment for the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery 2015 Part 2 | Australian Fisheries Management Authority ( |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | School shark | Galeorhinus galeus | Integrated assessment | Unique | Andre/Robin? | CSIRO | 2015 | Remove - Wrong year (2016) | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Silver Warehou | Seriolella punctata | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J, Thomson R and Tuck GN | CSIRO | 2015 | Stock Assessment for the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery 2015 Part 1 | Australian Fisheries Management Authority ( |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Pink ling (East & West) | Genypterus blacodes | Integrated assessment | CASAL | Cordue P | Innovative Solutions Ltd | 2015 | | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue eye trevalla (slope) | Hyperoglyphe antarctica | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Sporcic M | CSIRO | 2016 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Deepwater flathead | Neoplatycephalus conatus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Haddon M | CSIRO | 2016 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Gemfish (East) | Rexea solandri | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Little R | CSIRO | 2016 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Gummy shark | Mustelus antarcticus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Punt AE, Thomson R and Sporcic M | CSIRO | 2016 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Mirror dory, Gemfish (West) | Zenopsis nebulosa, Rexea solandri | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Sporcic M | CSIRO | 2016 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Tiger flathead | Neoplatycephalus richardsoni | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J | CSIRO | 2016 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Elephant fish, Sawshark | Callorhinchus milii, Pristiophorus spp | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Sporcic M | CSIRO | 2017 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | John dory | Zeus faber | Stock Assessment | Tier 3 | Unique | Castillo-Jordán C | CSIRO | 2017 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Orange roughy (East) | Hoplostethus atlanticus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Haddon M | CSIRO | 2017 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Redfish (Eastern) | Centroberyx affinis | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Tuck GN, Day J, Haddon M and Castillo-Jordán C | CSIRO | 2017 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | School whiting | Sillago flindersi | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J | CSIRO | 2017 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue eye trevalla (seamount) | Hyperoglyphe antarctica | Stock Assessment | Tier 5 | Unique | Haddon M and Sporcic M | CSIRO | 2018 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue grenadier | Macruronus novaezelandiae | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Castillo-Jordán C and Tuck GN | CSIRO | 2018 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Jackass morwong (West) | Nemadactylus macropterus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J and Castillo-Jordán C | CSIRO | 2018 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Numerous | Numerous | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Sporcic M | CSIRO | 2018 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Orange roughy (East) | Hoplostethus atlanticus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Tuck GN, Castillo-Jordán C and Burch P | CSIRO | 2018 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Silver warehou | Seriolella punctata | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Burch P, Day J and Castillo-Jordán C | CSIRO | 2018 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Bight redfish | Centroberyx gerrardi | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Sporcic M, Day J and Burch P | CSIRO | 2019 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Deepwater flathead | Neoplatycephalus conatus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Tuck GN, Day J and Burch P | CSIRO | 2019 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Gemfish (West) | Rexea solandri | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Sporcic M | CSIRO | 2019 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Mirror dory | Zenopsis nebulosa | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Sporcic M | CSIRO | 2019 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | School whiting | Sillago flindersi | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J | CSIRO | 2019 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Tiger flathead | Neoplatycephalus richardsoni | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J | CSIRO | 2019 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | School whiting | Sillago flindersi | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J, Hall K, Bessell-Browne P and Sporcic M | CSIRO + NSW | 2020 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Gummy shark | Mustelus antarcticus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Thomson R | CSIRO | 2020 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Numerous | Numerous | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Sporcic M | CSIRO | 2020 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Redfish (Eastern) | Centroberyx affinis | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Bessell-Browne P and Tuck GN | CSIRO | 2020 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Sawshark | Pristiophorus spp | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Sporcic M | CSIRO | 2020 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | School whiting | Sillago flindersi | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J, Hall K, Bessell-Browne P and Sporcic M | CSIRO + NSW | 2020 | | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Orange Roughy | Hoplostethus atlanticus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Burch P, Curin Osorio S and Bessell-Browne P | CSIRO + UTas | 2021 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue eye trevalla (seamount) | Hyperoglyphe antarctica | Stock Assessment | Tier 5 | Unique | Thomson R and Haddon M | CSIRO | 2021 | Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery (SESSF) stock assessment 2019-21 | Australian Fisheries Management Authority ( |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue eye trevalla (slope) | Hyperoglyphe antarctica | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Sporcic M | CSIRO | 2021 | Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery (SESSF) stock assessment 2019-21 | Australian Fisheries Management Authority ( |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue grenadier | Macruronus novaezelandiae | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Tuck GN and Bessell-Browne P | CSIRO | 2021 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Jackass morwong (East) | Nemadactylus macropterus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day J, Bessel-Browne P and Curin-Osario S | CSIRO | 2021 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Mirror dory, John dory, Silver trevally | Zenopsis nebulosa, Zeus faber, Pseudocaranx georgianus | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Sporcic M | CSIRO | 2021 | Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery (SESSF) stock assessment 2019-21 | Australian Fisheries Management Authority ( |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Orange roughy (East) | Hoplostethus atlanticus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Burch P, Curin Osorio S and Bessell-Browne P | CSIRO | 2021 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Silver warehou | Seriolella punctata | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Bessell-Browne P and Day J | CSIRO | 2021 | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Orange Roughy | Hoplostethus atlanticus | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Burch P, Curin Osorio S and Bessell-Browne P | CSIRO + UTas | 2021 | | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Bight redfish | Centroberyx gerrardi | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Curin-Osorio S and Burch P | CSIRO | 2022 | Link_not_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue grenadier | Macruronus novaezelandiae | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Tuck GN and Bessell-Browne P | CSIRO | 2022 | Link_not_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Silver trevally, Blue eye trevalla | Pseudocaranx georgianus, Hyperoglyphe antarctica | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Sporcic M | CSIRO | 2022 | Link_not_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Tiger flathead | Neoplatycephalus richardsoni | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Bessell-Browne P | CSIRO | 2022 | Link_not_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Silver Trevally | Pseudocaranx georgianus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Burch P, Fowler A, Liggins G, Sporcic M, Dowling N, Chick R and Tuck GN | CSIRO + NSW | 2023 | Link_not_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Silver Trevally | Pseudocaranx georgianus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Burch P, Fowler A, Liggins G, Sporcic M, Dowling N, Chick R and Tuck GN | CSIRO + NSW | 2023 | Link_not_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue-eye Trevalla | Hyperoglyphe antarctica | Stock Assessment | Dynamic Tier 4 | Unique | Sporcic M and Bessell-Browne P | CSIRO | 2023 | Link_not_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Blue-eye Trevalla | Hyperoglyphe antarctica | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Sporcic M | CSIRO | 2023 | Link_not_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Deepwater flathead | Neoplatycephalus conatus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Tuck GN, Bessell-Browne P and Burch P | CSIRO | 2023 | Link_not_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Deepwater Sharks | Basket | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Sporcic M | CSIRO | 2023 | Link_not_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Gummy shark | Mustelus antarcticus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Thomson R and Hill N | CSIRO | 2023 | Link_not_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Silver Trevally | Pseudocaranx georgianus | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Burch P, Fowler A, Liggins G, Sporcic M, Dowling N, Chick R and Tuck GN | CSIRO + NSW | 2023 | Link_not_available | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Mirror Dory | Zenopsis nebulosa | Stock Assessment | Tier 4 | Unique | Sporcic M | CSIRO | 2023 | Link_not_available |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Mirror Dory, Western Gemfish | Zenopsis nebulosa, Rexea solandri | Tier 4 | Unique | Sporcic M | CSIRO | 2023 | Link_not_available | |
Australia | Federal | SESSF | Silver Trevally | Pseudocaranx georgianus | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Burch P, Fowler A, Liggins G, Sporcic M, Dowling N, Chick R and Tuck GN | CSIRO + NSW | 2023 | Link_not_available | |
Australia | Federal | Small Pelagic Fishery | Eastern Jack and Blue Mackerel | Trachurus declivis; Scomber australasicus | Stock Assessment | Daily Egg Production Method | Unique | Punt, A.E., Little, R.L and Hillary, R. | CSIRO | 2016 | |
Australia | NSW | cean Trawl Fishery (OTF), the Ocean Trap and Line Fishery (OTLF) and the Estuary General Fishery (EGF) | Silver Trevally | Pseudocaranx georgianus | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | zBRT, OCOM, LB-SPR | Fowler, A.M. and Chick, R. C. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Eastern General Fishery | Luderick | Girella tricuspidata | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Schilling, H. T., Helidoniotis F. | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | EG = Estuary General, OH = Ocean Haul, OTL = Ocean Trap & Line | Mulloway | Argyrosomus japonicus | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | YPR, SPR | Hughes, J | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General and Ocean Trap and Line Fisheries. | Eastern Australian Salmon | Arripis trutta | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | Catch-MSY | Stewart, J. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery | Blue Swimmer Crab | Scomber australasicus | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | Catch-MSY | Johnson, D. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery | Longfin eel | Anguilla reinhardtii | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Hall, K.C. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery | Ghost Nippers | Trypaea austaliensis | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Chick, R.C. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery | Ghost Nippers | Trypaea austaliensis | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Chick, R.C. | NDPIF | 2022 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery | Blue Swimmer Crab | Portunus armatus | Stock Status Summary | Bayesian state-space Surplus production model | CMSY+ and BSM | Johnson, D.D. | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery | Longfin Eel | Anguilla reinhardtii | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Hall, K.C. | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery (EGF | Sand Whiting | Sillago ciliata | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Hall, K.C. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery (EGF | Sand Whiting | Sillago ciliata | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Hall, K.C. | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery (EGF) and the Ocean Hauling Fishery (OHF | Yellowfin Bream | Acanthopagrus australis | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Helidoniotis, F., and Schilling, H. | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery (Hand Gathering) | Beachworms | Onuphidae | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Anon | NDPIF | 2018 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery (Hand Gathering) | Estuary Cockle | Anadara trapezia | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Anon | NDPIF | 2018 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery (Hand Gathering) | Beachworms | Onuphidae | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Anon | NDPIF | 2020 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery (Hand Gathering) | Estuary Cockle | Anadara trapezia | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Anon | NDPIF | 2020 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery (Hand Gathering) | Cockles | Anadara trapezia | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Chick, R.C. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery (Hand Gathering) | Dusky Flathead | Platycephalus fuscus | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Broadhurst, M. and Stewart, J. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery (Hand Gathering) | Beachworms | Onuphidae | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Chick, R.C., Barnes, T. C. and Fowler, A. M. | NDPIF | 2022 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery (Hand Gathering) | Cockles | Anadara trapezia | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Chick, R.C. | NDPIF | 2022 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery (Hand Gathering) | Beachworms | Onuphidae | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Chick, R.C. and Fowler, A. M | NDPIF | 2023 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery (Hand Gathering) | Cockles | Anadara trapezia | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Chick, R.C. | NDPIF | 2023 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery (Hand Gathering) | Beachworms | Onuphidae | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Chick, R.C. and Fowler, A. M | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery (Hand Gathering) | Dusky Flathead | Platycephalus fuscus | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Schilling, H. T., Helidoniotis F. | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery (Hand Gathering) | Estuary Cockle | Anadara trapezia | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Chick, R.C | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery (Hand Gathering) | Ghost Nippers | Trypaea australiensis | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Anon | NDPIF | 2018 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery (Hand Gathering) | Ghost Nippers | Trypaea australiensis | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Anon | NDPIF | 2020 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery (Hand Gathering) | Ghost Nippers | Trypaea australiensis | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Chick, R.C. | NDPIF | 2023 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery (Hand Gathering) | Ghost Nippers | Trypaea australiensis | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Chick, R.C. | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Handgathering (EGHG) | Pipi | Donax deltoides | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Anon | NDPIF | 2018 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Handgathering (EGHG) | Pipi | Donax deltoides | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Anon | NDPIF | 2020 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Handgathering (EGHG) | Pipi | Donax deltoides | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Johnson, D. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Handgathering (EGHG) | Pipi | Donax deltoides | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Johnson, D.D | NDPIF | 2022 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Handgathering (EGHG) | Pipi | Donax deltoides | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Johnson, D.D. | NDPIF | 2023 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Handgathering (EGHG) | Pipi | Donax deltoides | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Johnson, D.D. | NDPIF | 2023 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Hauling | Estuary General Hauling species (mainly Sea Mullet, Sand Whiting, Silverbiddy) | Multiple species | Fishery Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Schilling, H. T., Helidoniotis F., Liggins G. | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Meshing | Estuary General Hauling species (mainly Sea Mullet, Luderick, Yellowfin Bream, Dusky Flathead, Mulloway and Sand Whiting) | Multiple species | Fishery Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Schilling, H. T., Helidoniotis F., Liggins G. | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery (EGF | Southern Shortfin Eel | Anguilla australis | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Hall, K.C. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary General Fishery (EGF | Southern Shortfin Eel | Anguilla australis | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Hall, K.C. | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary Prawn Trawl Fishery (EPTF) and the Ocean Trawl Fishery (OTF) | Eastern School Prawn | Metapenaeus macleayi | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | SPM, Catch-MSY | Taylor, M.D. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Estuary Prawn Trawl Fishery (EPTF) and the Ocean Trawl Fishery (OTF) | Eastern School Prawn | Metapenaeus macleayi | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Taylor, M.D. and Helidoniotis, F. | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Fish Trawl and Ocean Prawn Trawl | Balmain Bugs | Ibacus peronii, Ibacus brucei, Ibacus chacei, Ibacus alticrenatus | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Stewart, J. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Fish Trawl and Ocean Trap and Line | Grey Morwong | Nemadactylus douglasii | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | Catch-MSY, aASPM | Stewart, J. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | FT = Fish Trawl; OPT = Ocean Prawn Trawl and OTL = Ocean Trap and Lin | Ocean Jackets | Nelusetta ayraudi | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Smoothey, A.F. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW Estuary General Fishery (EGF) | Giant Mud Crab | Scylla serrata | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | Catch-MSY, BSM | Johnson, D. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW Estuary General Fishery (EGF) | Giant Mud Crab | Scylla serrata | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Johnson, D.D. | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW fishers in SESSF | Gemfish | Rexea solandri | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Anon | NDPIF | 2018 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW fishers in SESSF | Gemfish | Rexea solandri | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Anon | NDPIF | 2020 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW fishers in SESSF | Gemfish | Rexea solandri | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Liggins, G. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW fishers in SESSF | Gemfish | Rexea solandri | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Liggins, G. | NDPIF | 2022 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW fishers in SESSF | Gemfish | Rexea solandri | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Liggins, G. | NDPIF | 2023 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW fishers in SESSF | Gemfish | Rexea solandri | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Little and Rowling (2011) asessment reported by Chick, R. | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW Ocean Hauling (Purse Seine) | Australian Sardine | Sardinops sagax | Stock Status Summary | Daily Egg Production Method | NA | Anon | NDPIF | 2018 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW Ocean Hauling (Purse Seine) | Australian Sardine | Sardinops sagax | Stock Status Summary | Daily Egg Production Method | NA | Anon | NDPIF | 2020 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW Ocean Hauling (Purse Seine) | Australian Sardine | Sardinops sagax | Stock Status Summary | Daily Egg Production Method | NA | Stewart, J. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW Ocean Hauling (Purse Seine) | Australian Sardine | Sardinops sagax | Stock Status Summary | Daily Egg Production Method | NA | Stewart, J. | NDPIF | 2022 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW Ocean Hauling (Purse Seine) | Australian Sardine | Sardinops sagax | Stock Status Summary | Daily Egg Production Method | NA | Stewart, J. | NDPIF | 2023 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW Ocean Hauling (Purse Seine) | Australian Sardine | Sardinops sagax | Stock Status Summary | Daily Egg Production Method | Unknown | Stewart, J. | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW Ocean Trawl Fishery | Tiger Flathead | Platycephalus richardsoni | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Dr Geoffrey Liggins | NDPIF | 2020 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW Ocean Trawl Fishery | Bluespotted Flathead | Platycephalus caeruleopunctatus | Stock Assessment | Catch-MSY | simpleSA | Hall, K.C. | NDPIF | 2020 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW Ocean Trawl Fishery | Silver Trevally | Pseudocaranx georgianus | Stock Assessment | Catch only | BRT, OCOM, SPR | Fowler, A.M. and Chick, R. C. 2019 | NDPIF | 2020 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW Ocean Trawl Fishery | Stout Whiting | Sillago robusta | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Hall, K.C. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW Ocean Trawl Fishery | Bluespotted Flathead | Platycephalus caeruleopunctatus | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | Catch-MSY, BSM, SPR | Hall, K.C. | NDPIF | 2022 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW Ocean Trawl Fishery | Stout Whiting | Sillago robusta | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Hall, K.C. | NDPIF | 2022 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW Ocean Trawl Fishery | Bluespotted Flathead | Platycephalus caeruleopunctatus | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | Catch-MSY, BSM, SPR | Hall, K.C. | NDPIF | 2023 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW Ocean Trawl Fishery | Stout Whiting | Sillago robusta | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Hall, K.C. | NDPIF | 2023 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW Ocean Trawl Fishery | Stout Whiting | Sillago robusta | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Hall, K.C. | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW ocean-haul fishery | Yellowtail Scad | Trachurus novaezelandiae | Stock Status Summary | Survival analysis | NA | Anon | NDPIF | 2018 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW ocean-haul fishery | Yellowtail Scad | Trachurus novaezelandiae | Stock Status Summary | Survival analysis | NA | Anon | NDPIF | 2020 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW ocean-haul fishery | Yellowtail Scad | Trachurus novaezelandiae | Stock Status Summary | Survival analysis | NA | Broadhurst, M.K. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW ocean-haul fishery | Yellowtail scad | Trachurus novaezelandiae | Stock Status Summary | Survival analysis | NA | Broadhurst, M.K. | NDPIF | 2022 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW ocean-haul fishery | Yellowtail Scad | Trachurus novaezelandiae | Stock Status Summary | Survival analysis | NA | Broadhurst, M.K. | NDPIF | 2023 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW ocean-haul fishery | Yellowtail scad | Trachurus novaezelandiae | Stock Status Summary | Survival analysis | NA | Broadhurst, M.K. | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW Spanner Crab | Spanner Crab | Ranina ranina | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Johnson, D.D. | NDPIF | 2020 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW Spanner Crab | Spanner crab | Ranina ranina | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Johnson, D.D. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW Spanner Crab | Spanner Crab | Ranina ranina | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | BSM | Johnson, D.D. | NDPIF | 2022 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW Spanner Crab | Spanner Crab | Ranina ranina | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Johnson, D.D. | NDPIF | 2023 | |
Australia | NSW | NSW Spanner Crab | Spanner Crab | Ranina ranina | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Johnson, D.D. | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean hauling | Blue Mackerel | Scomber australasicus | Stock Status Summary | Daily Egg Production Method and Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | DEPM, SSRA | Anon | NDPIF | 2018 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean hauling | Blue Mackerel | Scomber australasicus | Stock Status Summary | Daily Egg Production Method and Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | DEPM, SSRA | Anon | NDPIF | 2020 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean hauling | Blue Mackerel | Scomber australasicus | Stock Status Summary | Daily Egg Production Method and Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | DEPM, SSRA | Stewart, J. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean hauling | Blue Mackerel | Scomber australasicus | Stock Status Summary | Daily Egg Production Method and Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | DEPM, SSRA | Stewart, J. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean hauling | Blue Mackerel | Scomber australasicus | Stock Status Summary | Daily Egg Production Method and Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | DEPM, SSRA | Stewart, J. | NDPIF | 2023 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Hauling and Eastern General Fishery | Sea Mullet | Mugil cephalus | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Stewart, J. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Hauling and Eastern General Fishery | Sea Mullet | Mugil cephalus | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Stewart, J. | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Hauling Fishery | Eastern Sea Garfish | Hyporhamphus australis | Stock Status Summary | Stochastic population model | NA | Broadhurst et al (2018) in Stewart, J. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Hauling Fishery | Eastern Sea Garfish | Hyporhamphus australis | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | Bespoke | Stewart, J. | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Hauling Purse Seine | Blue Mackerel | Scomber australasicus | Stock Status Summary | Daily Egg Production Method | Unknown | Stewart, J. | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trap & Line Fishery | Teraglin | Atractoscion atelodus | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | Catch-MSY, ASPM | Stewart, J. and Hegarty, A. M. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trap and Line – Line East | Bigeye Ocean Perch | Helicolenus barathri | Stock Status Summary | Under Tier 4 Commonwealth arrengements | NA | Anon | NDPIF | 2018 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trap and Line – Line East | Bigeye Ocean Perch | Helicolenus barathri | Stock Status Summary | Under Tier 4 Commonwealth arrengements | NA | Anon | NDPIF | 2020 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trap and Line – Line East | Bigeye Ocean Perch | Helicolenus barathri | Stock Status Summary | Under Tier 4 Commonwealth arrengements | NA | Smoothey, A. F. and Johnson, D. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trap and Line – Line East | Bigeye Ocean Perch | Helicolenus barathri | Stock Status Summary | Under Tier 4 Commonwealth arrengements | NA | Smoothey, AF and Johnson, DD. | NDPIF | 2022 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trap and Line – Line East | Bigeye Ocean Perch | Helicolenus barathri | Stock Status Summary | Under Tier 4 Commonwealth arrengements | NA | Smoothey, AF and Johnson, DD. | NDPIF | 2023 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trap and Line – Line East | Bigeye Ocean Perch | Helicolenus barathri | Stock Status Summary | Under Tier 4 Commonwealth arrengements | NA | Smoothey, AF | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trap and Line – Line East Fisher | Blue-eye Trevalla | Hyperoglyphe antarctica | Stock Status Summary | Under Tier 4 Commonwealth arrengements | NA | Smoothey, AF | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trap and Line Fishery | Australian Bonito | Sarda australis | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | Catch-MSY | Stewart, J. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trap and Line Fishery (Line Fishing – Eastern Zone) | Hapuku | Polyprion oxygeneios | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Anon | NDPIF | 2018 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trap and Line Fishery (Line Fishing – Eastern Zone) | Hapuku | Polyprion oxygeneios | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Anon | NDPIF | 2020 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trap and Line Fishery (Line Fishing – Eastern Zone) | Hapuku | Polyprion oxygeneios | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Chick, R.C. and A. M. Fowler. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trap and Line Fishery (Line Fishing – Eastern Zone) | Hapuku | Polyprion oxygeneios | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Chick, R.C. and A. M. Fowler. | NDPIF | 2022 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trap and Line Fishery (Line Fishing – Eastern Zone) | Hapuku | Polyprion oxygeneios | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Chick, R.C. and A. M. Fowler. | NDPIF | 2023 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trap and Line Fishery (Line Fishing – Eastern Zone) | Hapuku | Polyprion oxygeneios | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Chick, R.C. and Fowler, A. M | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trap and Line Fishery (Line Fishing – Eastern Zone) | Beachworms | Onuphidae | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Chick, R.C., Barnes, T. C. and Fowler, A. M. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trap and Line Fishery (Line Fishing – Eastern Zone) | Bass Groper | Polyprion americanus | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Fowler, A. M. and R. C. Chick. | NDPIF | 2022 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trap and Line Fishery (Line Fishing – Eastern Zone) | Bass Groper | Polyprion americanus | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Fowler, A. M. and R. C. Chick. | NDPIF | 2023 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trap and Line Fishery (Line Fishing – Eastern Zone) | Bass Groper | Polyprion americanus | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Fowler, A. M. and R. C. Chick | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trap and Line Fishery (OTLF). | Yellowtail Kingfish | Seriola Ialandi | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | Catch-MSY, BSM, SPR | Hughes, J. M. Stewart, J. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trap and Line – Line East Fishery | Pink Ling | Genypterus blacodes | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | CASAL | Cordue (2022) commonwleath assessment in Smoothey, AF | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trawl Fishery | Eastern King Prawn | Melicertus plebejus | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Helidoniotis, F. and Taylor, M.D | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trawl Fishery (OTF) | Southern Calamari | Sepioteuthis australis | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Hall, K.C. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trawl Fishery (OTF) and Ocean Trap and Line Fishery (OTLF) | Hammer Octopus | Octopus australis | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Hall, K.C. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trawl Fishery (OTF) and Southern Fish Trawl Restricted Fishery (SFT) | Eastern School Whiting | Sillago flindersi | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day et al (2020) in Hall, K.C. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trawl Fishery (OTF) and Southern Fish Trawl Restricted Fishery (SFT) | Eastern School Whiting | Sillago flindersi | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day et al (2020) in Hall, K.C. | NDPIF | 2022 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trawl Fishery (OTF) and Southern Fish Trawl Restricted Fishery (SFT) | Eastern School Whiting | Sillago flindersi | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day et al (2020) in Hall, K.C. | NDPIF | 2023 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trawl Fishery (OTF) and Southern Fish Trawl Restricted Fishery (SFT) | Eastern School Whiting | Sillago flindersi | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day et al (2020) in Hall, K.C. | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trawl Fishery (OTF), the Ocean Trap and Line Fishery (OTLF) and the Estuary General Fishery (EGF) | Silver Trevally | Pseudocaranx georgianus | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | LB-SPR | Fowler, A.M., Liggins, G., and Chick, R. C. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Ocean Trawl Fishery (OTF), the Ocean Trap and Line Fishery (OTLF) and the Estuary General Fishery (EGF) | Silver Trevally | Pseudocaranx georgianus | Stock Status Summary | Bayesian surplus production and length only | JABBA; SS-LO | Fowler, A.M., Liggins, G., and Chick, R. C. | NDPIF | 2023 | |
Australia | NSW | OTL | Bass Groper | Polyprion americanus | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Anon | NDPIF | 2018 | |
Australia | NSW | OTL | Bass Groper | Polyprion americanus | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Fowler, A. M. & Chick, R.C. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Sea Urchin and Turban Shell (SUTS) Fishery | Red Sea Urchin | Heliocidaris tuberculata | NSW Fishery statistics summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Chick, R.C. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Sea Urchin and Turban Shell (SUTS) Fishery | Red Sea Urchin | Heliocidaris tuberculata | Stock Assessment | Weight of evidence | NA | Chick, R.C. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Sea Urchin and Turban Shell (SUTS) Fishery | Red Sea Urchin | Heliocidaris tuberculata | Fishery Statistics Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Hughes, J | NDPIF | 2023 | |
Australia | NSW | Sea Urchin and Turban Shell (SUTS) Fishery | Red Sea Urchin | Heliocidaris tuberculata | Fisheries statistics summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Chick, R.C. | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | SESSF | Blue-eye Trevalla | Hyperoglyphe antarctica | Stock Status Summary | Under Tier 1 and Tier 5 Commonwealth arrangements | NA | Anon | NDPIF | 2018 | |
Australia | NSW | SESSF | Pink Ling | Genypterus blacodes | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | CASAL | Anon | NDPIF | 2018 | |
Australia | NSW | SESSF | Pearl Perch | Glaucosoma scapulare | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Stewart, J. | NDPIF | 2020 | |
Australia | NSW | SESSF | Blue-eye Trevalla | Hyperoglyphe antarctica | Stock Status Summary | Under Tier 1 and Tier 5 Commonwealth arrangements | NA | Anon | NDPIF | 2020 | |
Australia | NSW | SESSF | Pink Ling | Genypterus blacodes | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | CASAL | Anon | NDPIF | 2020 | |
Australia | NSW | SESSF | Pink Ling | Genypterus blacodes | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | CASAL | Cordue (2018) in Smoothey, AF. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | SESSF | Pink Ling | Genypterus blacodes | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | CASAL | Cordue (2018) in Smoothey, AF. | NDPIF | 2022 | |
Australia | NSW | SESSF | Blue-eye Trevalla | Hyperoglyphe antarctica | Stock Status Summary | Under Tier 1 and Tier 5 Commonwealth arrangements | NA | Smoothey, AF | NDPIF | 2023 | |
Australia | NSW | SESSF | Pink Ling | Genypterus blacodes | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | CASL | Cordue (2022) in Smoothey, AF. | NDPIF | 2023 | |
Australia | NSW | Steam trawl, Danish seine, Eastern trawl and Tasmanian trawl | Tiger Flathead | Platycephalus richardsoni | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day (2019) in Liggins, G. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | SW fish trawl (NSWFTRL), NSW fish trap (NSWFTRP), NSW line (NSWLN), NSW estuary (NSWEST), Commonwealth trawl (CWTRL) and Vic commercial (VICCOM) | Silver Trevally | Pseudocaranx georgianus | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Burch, P., Fowler, A., Liggins, G., Sporcic, M., Dowling, N., Chick, R., Tuck, G | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Trawl Fishery (OTF), the Ocean Trap and Line Fishery (OTLF) and the Estuary General Fishery | Snapper | Chrysophrys auratus | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Stewart, J. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Trawl Whiting | Bluespotted Flathead | Platycephalus caeruleopunctatus | Stock Status Summary | Surplus production | JABBA | Hall, K.C. | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NSW | Various | Blue Eye Trevalla | Hyperoglyphe antarctica | Stock Status Summary | Under tier 4 and Tier 5 Commonwealth arrangements | NA | Smoothey A. F. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Various | Goulds Squid | Nototodarus gouldi | Stock Status Summary | Weight of evidence | NA | Hall, K.C. | NDPIF | 2021 | |
Australia | NSW | Various | Blue Eye Trevalla | Hyperoglyphe antarctica | Stock Status Summary | Under tier 4 and Tier 5 Commonwealth arrangements | NA | Smoothey, AF | NDPIF | 2022 | |
Australia | NSW | Various | Tiger Flathead | Platycephalus richardsoni | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Day (2019) in Liggins, G. | NDPIF | 2022 | |
Australia | NSW | Various | Tiger Flathead | Platycephalus richardsoni | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Liggins, G. | NDPIF | 2023 | |
Australia | NSW | Various | Tiger Flathead | Platycephalus richardsoni | Stock Status Summary | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Liggins, G.W. | NDPIF | 2024 | |
Australia | NT | Barramundi Fishery (Gill net) | Barramundi (NT) | Lates calcarifer | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Grubert, M., A., Saunders,T. and Usher, M. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Barramundi Fishery (Gill net) | King threadfin (NT) | Polydactylus macrochir | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Grubert, M., A., Saunders,T. and Usher, M. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Coastal Line Fishery (Line fishing) | Black Jewfish (Darwin Region) | Protonibea diacanthus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Saunders, T. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Coastal Line Fishery (Line fishing) | Black Jewfish (NT) | Protonibea diacanthus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Triantafillos, L. | DPIR | 2016 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Coastal Line Fishery (Line fishing) | Black Jewfish (NT) | Protonibea diacanthus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Northern Territory Government | DPIR | 2018 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Crab | Mud crab | Scylla serrata | Stock Assessment | Catch only | Unique | Grubert, M. A., Saunders, T. M., Martin, J. M., Lee, H. S. and Walters, C. J. | NDPIF | 2013 | |
Australia | NT | Demersal & Timor Reef Fishery (Trawl & Traps) | Crimson Snapper (NT) | Lutjanus erythropterus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Martin, J. M. | DPIR | 2016 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Demersal & Timor Reef Fishery (Trawl & Traps) | Goldband Snapper (NT) | Pristipomoides multidens | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Martin, J. M. | DPIR | 2016 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Demersal & Timor Reef Fishery (Trawl & Traps) | Saddletail Snapper (NT) | Lutjanus malabaricus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Martin, J. M. | DPIR | 2016 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Demersal & Timor Reef Fishery (Trawl & Traps) | Crimson Snapper (NT) | Lutjanus erythropterus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Martin, J. M. | DPIR | 2018 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Demersal & Timor Reef Fishery (Trawl & Traps) | Goldband Snapper (NT) | Pristipomoides multidens | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Martin, J. M. | DPIR | 2018 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Demersal & Timor Reef Fishery (Trawl & Traps) | Saddletail Snapper (NT) | Lutjanus malabaricus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Martin, J. M. | DPIR | 2018 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Demersal & Timor Reef Fishery (Trawl & Traps) | Brownstripe Snapper (NT) | Lutjanus vitta | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Saunders, T. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Demersal & Timor Reef Fishery (Trawl & Traps) | Crimson Snapper (Arafura-Timor) | Lutjanus erythropterus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Saunders, T. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Demersal & Timor Reef Fishery (Trawl & Traps) | Saddletail Snapper (Arafura-Timor) | Lutjanus malabaricus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Saunders, T. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Demersal & Timor Reef Fishery (Trawl & Traps) | Brownstripe Snapper (NT) | Lutjanus vitta | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Pazhayamadom, D.G. | DITT | 2022 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Demersal & Timor Reef Fishery (Trawl & Traps) | Crimson Snapper (Arafura-Timor) | Lutjanus erythropterus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Pazhayamadom, D.G. | DITT | 2022 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Demersal & Timor Reef Fishery (Trawl & Traps) | Saddletail Snapper (Arafura-Timor) | Lutjanus malabaricus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Pazhayamadom, D.G. | DITT | 2022 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Demersal Fishery (Trawl) | Black Jewfish (Regional NT) | Protonibea diacanthus | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Saunders, T. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Demersal Fishery (Trawl) | Goldband Snapper (Arafura) | Pristipomoides multidens | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Saunders, T. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Demersal Fishery (Trawl) | Crimson Snapper (GoC) | Lutjanus erythropterus | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Pazhayamadom, D.G. | DITT | 2022 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Demersal Fishery (Trawl) | Crimson Snapper (JBG) | Lutjanus erythropterus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Pazhayamadom, D.G. | DITT | 2022 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Demersal Fishery (Trawl) | Goldband Snapper (Arafura) | Pristipomoides multidens | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Pazhayamadom, D.G. | DITT | 2022 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Demersal Fishery (Trawl) | Goldband Snapper (GoC) | Pristipomoides multidens | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Pazhayamadom, D.G. | DITT | 2022 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Demersal Fishery (Trawl) | Goldband Snapper (JBG) | Pristipomoides multidens | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Pazhayamadom, D.G. | DITT | 2022 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Demersal Fishery (Trawl) | Saddletail Snapper (GoC) | Lutjanus erythropterus | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Pazhayamadom, D.G. | DITT | 2022 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Demersal Fishery (Trawl) | Saddletail Snapper (JBG) | Lutjanus malabaricus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Pazhayamadom, D.G. | DITT | 2022 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Gill net & Line fishing | Blue Threadfin (NT) | Eleutheronema tetradactylum | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Grubert, M., A. and Saunders,T. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Linefish | Black jewfish | Protonibea diacanthus | Stock Assessment | Catch only | Unique | Grubert, M. A., Saunders, T. M., Martin, J. M., Lee, H. S. and Walters, C. J. | NDPIF | 2013 | |
Australia | NT | Linefish | Blacktip shark | Carcharhinus limbatus; Carcharhinus tilstoni | Stock Assessment | Catch only | Unique | Grubert, M. A., Saunders, T. M., Martin, J. M., Lee, H. S. and Walters, C. J. | NDPIF | 2013 | |
Australia | NT | Linefish | Goldband snapper | Pristipomoides multidens; Lutjanus malabaricus; Lutjanus erythropterus | Stock Assessment | Catch only | Unique | Grubert, M. A., Saunders, T. M., Martin, J. M., Lee, H. S. and Walters, C. J. | NDPIF | 2013 | |
Australia | NT | Linefish | Goldband snapper | Pristipomoides multidens; Lutjanus malabaricus; Lutjanus erythropterus | Stock Assessment | Catch only | Unique | Grubert, M. A., Saunders, T. M., Martin, J. M., Lee, H. S. and Walters, C. J. | NDPIF | 2013 | |
Australia | NT | Linefish | Grey Mackerel | Scomberomorus semifasciatus | Stock Assessment | Catch only | Unique | Grubert, M. A., Saunders, T. M., Martin, J. M., Lee, H. S. and Walters, C. J. | NDPIF | 2013 | |
Australia | NT | Linefish | Spanish mackerel | Scomberomorus commerson | Stock Assessment | Catch only | Unique | Grubert, M. A., Saunders, T. M., Martin, J. M., Lee, H. S. and Walters, C. J. | NDPIF | 2013 | |
Australia | NT | Linefish | Spanish mackerel | Scomberomorus commerson | Stock Assessment | Catch only | Unique | Grubert, M. A., Saunders, T. M., Martin, J. M., Lee, H. S. and Walters, C. J. | NDPIF | 2013 | |
Australia | NT | Linefish | Spottail shark | Carcharhinus sorrah | Stock Assessment | Catch only | Unique | Grubert, M. A., Saunders, T. M., Martin, J. M., Lee, H. S. and Walters, C. J. | NDPIF | 2013 | |
Australia | NT | Linefish | Spottail shark | Carcharhinus sorrah | Stock Assessment | Catch only | Unique | Grubert, M. A., Saunders, T. M., Martin, J. M., Lee, H. S. and Walters, C. J. | NDPIF | 2013 | |
Australia | NT | Mud Crab Fishery (Pots/ Traps) | Mud Crab (GoC) | Scylla serrata | Stock Assessment | Delay difference | Unique | Walters, C. J. | DPIR | 2016 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Mud Crab Fishery (Pots/ Traps) | Mud Crab (GoC) | Scylla serrata | Stock Assessment | Delay difference | Unique | Grubert, M. | DPIR | 2016 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Offshore Net & Line Fishery (Gill net) | Grey Mackerel (North West NT) | Scomberomorus semifasciatus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Usher, M. and Saunders, T. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Offshore Net & Line Fishery (Gill net) | Common Blacktip Shark (NT) | Carcharhinus limbatus | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Usher, M. | DITT | 2022 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Offshore Net & Line Fishery (Gill net) | Grey Mackerel (North West NT) | Scomberomorus semifasciatus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Usher, M. | DITT | 2022 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Offshore Net & Line Fishery (Gill net) and Gulf of Carpentaria: several gears and fisheries | Grey Mackerel (GoC) | Scomberomorus semifasciatus | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Usher, M. | DITT | 2022 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Pearl Oyster Fishery (Diving) | Silverlip Pearl Oyster (NT) | Pinctada maxima | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Saunders, T. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Pearl Oyster Fishery (Diving) | Silverlip Pearl Oyster (NT) | Pinctada maxima | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Pazhayamadom, D.G. | DITT | 2022 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Recreational & Charter (Line fishing) | Golden Snapper (NT) | Lutjanus johnii | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Triantafillos, L. | DPIR | 2016 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Recreational & Charter (Line fishing) | Golden Snapper (Greater Darwin Region) | Lutjanus johnii | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Northern Territory Government | DPIR | 2018 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Recreational & Charter (Line fishing) | Golden Snapper (Regional NT) | Lutjanus johnii | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Saunders, T. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Recreational & Charter (Line fishing) | Golden Snapper (Regional NT) | Lutjanus johnii | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Pazhayamadom, D.G. | DITT | 2022 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Snapper | Golden snapper | Lutjanus johnii) | Stock Assessment | Catch only | Unique | Grubert, M. A., Saunders, T. M., Martin, J. M., Lee, H. S. and Walters, C. J. | NDPIF | 2013 | |
Australia | NT | Snapper | Golden snapper | Lutjanus johnii) | Stock Assessment | Catch only | Unique | Grubert, M. A., Saunders, T. M., Martin, J. M., Lee, H. S. and Walters, C. J. | NDPIF | 2013 | |
Australia | NT | Spanish Mackerel Fishery (Trolling) | Spanish Mackerel (NT) | Scomberomorus commerson | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Lee, H. and Triantafillos, L. | DPIR | 2016 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Spanish Mackerel Fishery (Trolling) | Spanish Mackerel (NT) | Scomberomorus commerson | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Grubert, M., A., Saunders,T. and Usher, M. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Timor Reef Fishery (Traps) | Goldband Snapper (Timor) | Pristipomoides multidens | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Saunders, T. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Timor Reef Fishery (Traps) | Goldband Snapper (Timor) | Pristipomoides multidens | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Pazhayamadom, D.G. | DITT | 2022 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Trawl, Trap & Line Fishing | Mangrove Jack (NT) | Lutjanus argentimaculatus | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Saunders, T. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT | Trawl, Trap & Line Fishing | Red Emperor (Timor Sea) | Lutjanus sebae | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Saunders, T. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT & QLD | Offshore Net & Line Fishery (Gill net) and Gulf of Carpentaria: several gears and fisheries | Grey Mackerel (GoC) | Scomberomorus semifasciatus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Usher, M., Saunders, T. and Roelofs, A. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT & QLD | Recreational (Line fishing) | Barred Javelin (GoC) | Pomydasys kakaan | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Saunders, T. and Roelofs, A. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT & QLD | Trawl & Line Fishing | Mangrove Jack (GoC) | Lutjanus argentimaculatus | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Saunders, T. and Roelofs, A. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT & QLD | Trawl Fishery | Crimson Snapper (GoC) | Lutjanus erythropterus | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Saunders, T. and Roelofs, A. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT & QLD | Trawl Fishery | Golden Snapper (GoC) | Lutjanus johnii | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Saunders, T. and Roelofs, A. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT & QLD | Trawl Fishery | Saddletail Snapper (GoC) | Lutjanus erythropterus | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Saunders, T. and Roelofs, A. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT & WA | Offshore Net & Line Fishery (Gill net) | Australian Blacktip shark (North & West NT) | Carcharhinus tilstoni | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Usher, M., Saunders,T. and Braccini, M. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT & WA | Offshore Net & Line Fishery (Gill net) | Common Blacktip Shark (North & West NT) | Carcharhinus limbatus | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Usher, M., Saunders,T. and Braccini, M. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT & WA | Offshore Net & Line Fishery (Gill net) | Australian Blacktip shark (North & West NT) | Carcharhinus tilstoni | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Usher, M. and Braccini, M. | DITT | 2022 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT & WA | Offshore Net & Line Fishery (Gill net) | Spot-tail Shark (NT) | Carcharhinus sorrah | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Usher, M. and Braccini, M. | DITT | 2022 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT & WA | Recreational & Charter (Line fishing) | Stripey Snapper (NT) | Lutjanus carponotatus | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Pazhayamadom, D.G. and Trinnie, F. | DITT | 2022 | Not_available_online | |
Australia | NT, QLD & WA | Offshore Net & Line Fishery (Gill net) and Gulf of Carpentaria: several gears and fisheries | Spot-tail Shark (NT) | Carcharhinus sorrah | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis | Usher, M., Saunders,T., Braccini, M. and Roelofs, A. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT, QLD & WA | Recreational & Charter (Line fishing) | Stripey Snapper (NT) | Lutjanus carponotatus | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Saunders T., Newman, S.J. and Roelofs, A. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT, WA & QLD | Trawl & Recreational Fishery | Cobia (Northern Australia) | Rachycentron canadum | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Saunders, T., Roelofs, A. and Newman S. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | NT, WA & QLD | Trawl & Recreational Fishery | Cobia (Northern Australia) | Rachycentron canadum | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Saunders, T., Roelofs, A. and Newman S. | DITT | 2020 | |
Australia | QLD & NSW | East Coast Spanish Mackerel | Spanish mackerel | Scomberomorus commerson | Stock Assessment | Age-structured | Custom (Matlab) | O'Neill, M.F., Langstreth, J., Buckley, S.M. and Stewart, J | QDAF | 2018 | |
Australia | QLD & NSW | East Coast Spanish Mackerel | Spanish mackerel | Scomberomorus commerson | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Tanimoto, M., Fox, A.R., O'Neill, M. F. and Langstreth, J. | QDAF | 2021 | |
Australia | QLD & NSW | East Coast Spanish Mackerel | Spanish mackerel | Scomberomorus commerson | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Tanimoto, M., Fox, A.R., O'Neill, M. F. and Langstreth, J. | QDAF | 2021 | |
Australia | QLD & NSW | Multiple commercial, recreational | Common Blacktip Shark (East Coast) | Carcharhinus limbatus | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Usher, M., Saunders, T. and Roelofs, A. | DITT | 2020 | Not_available_online |
Australia | QLD & NSW | Queensland East Coast Inshore Fin Fish Fishery & NSW Ocean Hauling Fishery & NSW Estuary General Fishery | Sea mullet | Mugil cephalus | Stock assessment | Integrated assessment | Custom (ADMB) | Lovett, R.A., Prosser, A.J., Leigh, G.M., O'Neill, M.F. and Stewart, J. | QDAF | 2018 | |
Australia | QLD & NSW | Queensland East Coast Inshore Fin Fish Fishery & NSW Ocean Hauling Fishery & NSW Estuary General Fishery | Sea mullet | Mugil cephalus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Lovett, R. A., Prosser, A. J. and Stewart, J. | QDAF | 2022 | |
Australia | QLD & NSW | Queensland Trawl Fishery (fin fish) | Stout whiting | Sillago robusta | Stock Assessment | Age-structured | Stock Synthesis | Wortmann, J. and Hall, K. | QDAF | 2021 | |
Australia | QLD & NSW | recreational + QLD Rocky-Reef Fin Fish Fishery, NSW Ocean Trap and Line Fishery | Pearl perch | Glaucosoma scapulare | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Custom (Matlab) | Sumpton, W., O'Neill, M. F., Campbell, M. J., McLennan, M. F., Campbell, A. B. and Stewart, J. | QDAF | 2017 | |
Australia | QLD & NSW | recreational + QLD Rocky-Reef Fin Fish Fishery, NSW Ocean Trap and Line Fishery | Snapper | Chrysophrys auratus | Stock Assessment | Age-structured | Unique | Wortmann, J., O'Neill, M. F., Sumpton, W. D., Campbell, M. J. and Stewart, J. | QDAF | 2018 | |
Australia | QLD & NSW | recreational + QLD Rocky-Reef Fin Fish Fishery, NSW Ocean Trap and Line Fishery | Pearl perch | Glaucosoma scapulare | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Lovett, R. A., Northrop, A. R. and Stewart, J. | QDAF | 2022 | |
Australia | QLD & NSW | recreational + Queensland East Coast Inshore Fin Fish Fishery & NSW Ocean Hauling Fishery & NSW Estuary General Fishery | Tailor | Pomatomus saltatrix | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Leigh, G. M., O'Neill, M. F. and Stewart, J. | QDAF | 2017 | |
Australia | QLD & NSW | recreational + Queensland East Coast Inshore Fin Fish Fishery & NSW Ocean Hauling Fishery & NSW Estuary General Fishery | Tailor | Pomatomus saltatrix | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Leigh, G. M., O'Neill, M. F. and Stewart, J. | QDAF | 2017 | |
Australia | QLD & NSW | recreational + Queensland East Coast Inshore Fin Fish Fishery & NSW Ocean Hauling Fishery & NSW Estuary General Fishery | Tailor | Pomatomus saltatrix | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Lovett, R. A., Leigh, G. M., Litherland, L. and Stewart, J. | QDAF | 2020 | |
Australia | QLD & NSW | Various | Eastern King Prawn | Stock Assessment | QDAF | 2020 | | ||||
Australia | Queensland | Crab fishery | Blue swimmer crab | Portunus armatus | Stock Assessment | Size-structured | Unique | Lovett, R.A., O'Neill, M.F. and Garland, A. | QDAF | 2020 | |
Australia | Queensland | East Coast Inshore Fin Fish Fishery | King threadfin | Polydactylus macrochir | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Leigh, G. M., Tanimoto, M. and Whybird, O. J. | QDAF | 2020 | |
Australia | Queensland | East Coast Spotted Mackerel Fishery | Spotted mackerel | Scomberomorus munroi | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Bessell-Browne, P., O'Neill, M.F. and Litherland, L. | QDAF | 2018 | |
Australia | Queensland | East Coast Trawl | Banana prawn | Penaeus merguiensis | Stock Assessment | Size-structured | Unique | Tanimoto, M., Courtney, A.J., O’Neill, M.F. and Leigh, G.M. | QDAF | 2006 | |
Australia | Queensland | East Coast Trawl | Western king prawn | Penaeus latisulcatus | Stock Assessment | Size-structured | Unique | Noell, C.J., O'Neill, M.F., Carroll, J.D. and Dixon,. C.D. | QDAF | 2015 | |
Australia | Queensland | East Coast Trawl | Saucer scallop (Qld) | Ylistrum balloti | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Wortmann, J., O'Neill, M.F., Courtney, A.J. and Yang, W.H. | QDAF | 2020 | |
Australia | Queensland | East Coast Trawl | Saucer scallop (Qld) | Ylistrum balloti | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Wortmann, J. | QDAF | 2021 | |
Australia | Queensland | East Coast Trawl | Tiger prawn | Penaeus esculentus and Penaeus semisulcatus | Stock Assessment | Delay difference | Unique | Helidoniotis, F. | QDAF | 2021 | |
Australia | Queensland | East Coast Trawl Fishery | Moreton Bay bug | Thenus australiensis and Thenus parindicus | Stock Assessment | Delay difference | DDUST, Stock Synthesis | Wickens, M. E., Hillcoat, K. B., Lovett, R. A., Fox, A. R. and McMillan, M. N. | QDAF | 2023 | |
Australia | Queensland | Gulf of Carpentaria Inshore Fishery | King threadfin | Polydactylus macrochir | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Leigh, G. M., Tanimoto, M. and Whybird, O. J. | QDAF | 2020 | |
Australia | Queensland | Gulf of Carpentaria Inshore Fishery | King threadfin | Polydactylus macrochir | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Campbell, A.B., Tanimoto, M., Whybird, O.J. and Fox, A.R. | QDAF | 2024 | |
Australia | Queensland | Gulf of Carpentaria Spotted Mackerel Fishery | Spotted mackerel | Scomberomorus munroi | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Bessell-Browne, P., O'Neill, M.F. and Langstreth, J. | QDAF | 2020 | |
Australia | Queensland | Gulf of Carpentaria: several gears and fisheries | Spanish mackerel | Scomberomorus commerson | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Bessell-Browne, P., O'Neill, M.F. and Langstreth, J. | QDAF | 2020 | |
Australia | Queensland | Gulf of Carpentaria: several gears and fisheries | Spanish mackerel | Scomberomorus commerson | Stock Assessment | Bessell-Browne, P., O'Neill, M.F. and Langstreth, J. | 2020 | | |||
Australia | Queensland | Gulf of Carpentaria: several gears and fisheries | Spanish mackerel | Scomberomorus commerson | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Tanimoto, M., Fox, A.R., O'Neill, M.F. and Langstreth, J.C. | QDAF | 2021 | |
Australia | Queensland | Multiple commercial, recreational | Sand whiting | Sillago ciliata | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Leigh, G. M., Yang, W.-H., O'Neill, M. F., McGilvray, J. G. and Wortmann, J. | QDAF | 2019 | |
Australia | Queensland | Multiple commercial, recreational | Yellowfin bream | Acanthopagrus australis | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Leigh, G. M., Yang, W.-H., O'Neill, M. F., McGilvray, J. G. and Wortmann, J. | QDAF | 2019 | |
Australia | Queensland | Multiple commercial, recreational | Black teatfish | Glaucosoma scapulare | Stock Assessment | Age-structured surplus production | aspm (datalowSA) | Helidoniotis, F. | QDAF | 2021 | |
Australia | Queensland | Multiple commercial, recreational | White teatfish | Holothuria fuscogilva | Stock Assessment | Age-structured surplus production | aspm (datalowSA) | Helidoniotis, F. | QDAF | 2021 | |
Australia | Queensland | Multiple commercial, recreational | Black jewfish | Protonibea diacanthus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Leigh, G. M., Janes, R., Williams, S. M. and Martin, T. S. H. | QDAF | 2022 | |
Australia | Queensland | Multiple commercial, recreational | Dusky flathead | Platycephalus fuscus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Yang, W.-H., Martin, T. S.H. and Moffitt, D. | QDAF | 2022 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland East Coast Inshore Fin Fish Fishery + recreational | Grey mackerel | Scomberomorus semifasciatus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Bessell-Browne, P., Lovett, R. A., Leigh, G. M., O'Neill, M. F. and Campbell, A. B. | QDAF | 2019 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland East Coast Inshore Fin Fish Fishery and Pelagic Line Fishery + recreational | School mackerel | Scomberomorus queenslandicus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Custom (ADMB) | Lovett, R. A., Bessell-Browne, P., Litherland, L., Leigh, G. M., Campbell, A. B. and O'Neill, M. F. | QDAF | 2019 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery | Ballot's saucer scallop | Ylistrum balloti | Stock assessment | Age-structured | Campbell, A. B., O'Neill, M. F., Leigh, G. M., Wang, Y-G and Jebreen, E. J. | QDAF | 2012 | | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery | Ballot's saucer scallop | Ylistrum balloti | Stock assessment | Age-structured | Custom (ADMB) | Yang, W.-H., Wortmann, J., Robins, J. B., Courtney, A. J., O'Neill, M. F. and Campbell, M. J. | QDAF | 2016 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery | Ballot's saucer scallop | Ylistrum balloti | Stock assessment | Age-structured | Custom (ADMB, Matlab) | O’Neill, M. F., Yang, W.-H., Wortmann, J., Courtney, A. J., Leigh, G. M., Campbell, M. J., and Filar, J. A | QDAF | 2019 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery | Ballot's saucer scallop | Ylistrum balloti | Stock assessment | Age-structured | Custom (Matlab) | Wortmann, J., O'Neill, M. F., Courtney, A. J. and Yang, W.-H. | QDAF | 2020 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery | Eastern king prawn | Melicertus plebejus | Stock Assessment | Size-structured | Unique | Helidoniotis, F., O'Neill, M. F. and Taylor, M. | QDAF | 2020 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery | Ballot's saucer scallop | Ylistrum balloti | Stock assessment | Age-structured | Custom (Matlab) | Wortmann, J. | QDAF | 2021 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery | Ballot's saucer scallop | Ylistrum balloti | Stock assessment | Age-structured | Custom (Matlab) | Wortmann, J. | QDAF | 2022 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery | Ballot's saucer scallop | Ylistrum balloti | Stock Assessment | Age-structured , Custom (Matlab) | Unique | French, S. M. | QDAF | 2023 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland East Coast Trawl Fishery | Tiger prawns (brown, grooved) | Penaeus semisulcatus and Penaeus esculentus | Stock Assessment | Delay difference | Custom (R) | Helidoniotis, F. (2021) | QDAF | 2021 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland East Coast Trawl Fishery | Tiger prawns (brown, grooved) | Penaeus semisulcatus and Penaeus esculentus | Stock Assessment | Delay difference | Custom (R) | Helidoniotis, F. (2021) | QDAF | 2021 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland East Coast Trawl Fishery | Endeavour prawns | Metapenaeus endeavouri and Metapenaeus ensis | Stock Assessment | Delay difference, Integrated assessment | DDUST, Stock Synthesis | Fox, A. R., Lovett, R. A., Wickens, M. E. and Hillcoat, K.B. | QDAF | 2023 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland East Coast Trawl Fishery | Red spot king prawns | Melicertus longistylus | Stock Assessment | Delay difference, Integrated assessment | DDUST, Stock Synthesis | Fox, A. R., Lovett, R. A., Wickens, M. E. and Hillcoat, K. B. | QDAF | 2023 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland East Coast Trawl Fishery | Tiger prawns (brown, grooved) | Penaeus semisulcatus and Penaeus esculentus | Stock Assessment | Delay difference, Integrated assessment | DDUST, Stock Synthesis | Lovett, R. A., Fox, A. R., Wickens, M. E. and Hillcoat, K. B. | QDAF | 2023 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland Mud Crab Fishery + recreational | Mud crab | Scylla serrata | Stock Assessment | Catch MSY | simpleSA | Northrop, A. R., O'Neill, M. F. and Robins, J. B. | QDAF | 2019 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland Mud Crab Fishery + recreational | Mud crab | Scylla serrata | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY | simpleSA | Northrop, A. R., O'Neill, M. F. and Robins, J. B. | QDAF | 2019 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland Reef Line Fishery | Redthroat emperor | Lethrinus miniatus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Leigh, G.M., Williams, A.J., Begg, G.A., Gribble, N.A. and Whybird, O.J. | QDAF | 2006 | | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland Reef Line Fishery | Common coral trout | Plectropomus leopardus | Monitoring report | Northrop, A. R., O'Neill, M. F. and Leigh, G. M. | QDAF | 2020 | | ||
Australia | Queensland | Queensland Reef Line Fishery | Red thoat emperor | Lethrinus miniatus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Nortrop, A. and Campbell, A.B. | QDAF | 2020 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland Reef Line Fishery | Crimson snapper (Qld) | Lutjanus erythropterus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Fox, A.R., Campbell, A.B., Sumpter, L.I. and Hillcoat , K.B. | QDAF | 2021 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland Reef Line Fishery | Saddletail snapper | Stock assessment | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Campbell, A. B., Fox, A.R., Hillcoat, K.B. and Sumpter, L. | QDAF | 2021 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland Reef Line Fishery | Common coral trout | Plectropomus leopardus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Fox, A. R., Campbell, A. B. and Zieth, J.D. | QDAF | 2022 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland Reef Line Fishery | Red emperor | Lutjanus sebae | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Sumpter, L. I., Fox, A. R. and Hillcoat, K.B. | QDAF | 2022 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland Sea cucumber Fishery | Burrowing blackfish | Actinopyga spinea | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment, Delay difference | Stock Synthesis, DDUST | Smart, J. J., Wortmann, J. and Wickens, M. E. | QDAF | 2024 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland Sea cucumber Fishery | herrmanni curryfish | Stichopus herrmanni | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment, Delay difference | Stock Synthesis, DDUST | Smart, J. J., Wortmann, J. and Wickens, M. E. | QDAF | 2024 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland Sea cucumber Fishery | Prickly redfish | Thelenota ananas | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment, Delay difference | Stock Synthesis, DDUST | Smart, J. J., Wortmann, J. and Wickens, M. E. | QDAF | 2024 | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland Sea Cucumber Fishery | Sea cucumber | Multiple sea cucumber species | MSE | openMSE, Stock Synthesis | Wickens, M. E., Smart, J. J. and Wortmann, J. | QDAF | 2024 | | |
Australia | Queensland | Queensland Sea Cucumber Fishery | Vastus curryfish | Stichopus vastus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment, Delay difference | Stock Synthesis, DDUST | Smart, J. J., Wortmann, J. and Wickens, M. E. | QDAF | 2024 | |
Australia | Queensland | Several gears and fisheries | Red thoat emperor | Lethrinus miniatus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Leigh, G.M., Williams, A.J., Begg, G.A., Gribble, N.A. and Whybird, O.J. | QDAF | 2006 | |
Australia | Queensland | Several gears and fisheries | Shark: Australian blacktip shark, C. tilstoni | Carcharhinus tilstoni | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Leigh, G.M. | QDAF | 2015 | |
Australia | Queensland | Several gears and fisheries | Shark: Bull & pigeye sharks, C. leucas & C. amboinensis | Carcharhinus leucas and Carcharhinus amboinensis | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Leigh, G.M. | QDAF | 2015 | |
Australia | Queensland | Several gears and fisheries | Shark: Common blacktip shark, C. limbatus | Carcharhinus limbatus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Leigh, G.M. | QDAF | 2015 | |
Australia | Queensland | Several gears and fisheries | Shark: Creek whaler, Carcharhinus fitzroyensis | Carcharhinus fitzroyensis | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Leigh, G.M. | QDAF | 2015 | |
Australia | Queensland | Several gears and fisheries | Shark: Great hammerhead, S. mokarran | Sphyrna mokarran | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Leigh, G.M. | QDAF | 2015 | |
Australia | Queensland | Several gears and fisheries | Shark: Hardnose shark, C. macloti | Carcharhinus macloti | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Leigh, G.M. | QDAF | 2015 | |
Australia | Queensland | Several gears and fisheries | Shark: Scalloped hammerhead, Sphyrna lewini | Sphyrna lewini | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Leigh, G.M. | QDAF | 2015 | |
Australia | Queensland | Several gears and fisheries | Shark: Sharpnose and milk sharks, Rhizoprionodon spp. | Rhizoprionodon taylori and Rhizoprionodon acutus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Leigh, G.M. | QDAF | 2015 | |
Australia | Queensland | Several gears and fisheries | Shark: Spinner shark, C. brevipinna | Carcharhinus brevipinna | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Leigh, G.M. | QDAF | 2015 | |
Australia | Queensland | Several gears and fisheries | Shark: Spot-tail shark, C. sorrah | Carcharhinus sorrah | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Leigh, G.M. | QDAF | 2015 | |
Australia | Queensland | Several gears and fisheries | Shark: Winghead shark, Eusphyra blochii | Eusphyra blochii | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Leigh, G.M. | QDAF | 2015 | |
Australia | Queensland | Several gears and fisheries | Barramundi (Qld EC & Goc) | Lates calcarifer | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Streipert, S., Filar, J., Robins, J. and Whybird, O. | QDAF | 2019 | |
Australia | Queensland | Several gears and fisheries | Mullet | Mugil cephalus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Lovett, R.A., Prosser, A.J., Leigh, G.M., O'Neill, M.F. and Stewart, J. | QDAF | 2019 | |
Australia | Queensland | Several gears and fisheries | Coral trout | Plectromomus leopardus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Campbell, A.B. and Northrop, A.R. | QDAF | 2020 | |
Australia | Queensland | Several gears and fisheries | Dusky flathead | Platycephalus fuscus | Stock Assessment | Leigh, G. M., Yang, W.-H., O'Neill, M. F., McGilvray, J. G. and Wortmann, J. | QDAF | 2019 | | ||
Australia | Queensland | Several gears and fisheries | Moreton Bay bug | Thenus australiensis and Thenus parindicus | Catch rates | Helidoniotis, F. | QDAF | 2020 | | ||
Australia | South Australia | Marine Scalefish Fishery | Snapper | Chrysophrys auratus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Fowler, A.J., Smart, J., McGarvey, R., Feenstra, J., Bailleul, F., Buss, J.J., Drew, M., Matthews, D., Matthews, J. and Rogers, T. | SARDI | 2020 | |
Australia | South Australia | Marine Scalefish Fishery | King George whiting | Sillaginodes punctatus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Drew, M.J., Fowler, A.J., McGarvey, R., Feenstra, J., Bailleul, F. Matthews, D., Matthews, J.M., Earl, J., Rogers, T.A., Rogers, P.J., Tsolos, A. and Smart, J.J. | SARDI | 2021 | |
Australia | South Australia | Marine Scalefish Fishery | Garfish | Hyporhamphus melanochir | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Smart, J. J., Earl, J., McGarvey, R., Feenstra, J., Drew, M. J., Bailleul, F., Fowler, A. J., Matthews, D., Chaplin, G., Matthews, J. M., Freeling, B., Rogers, T. A., Beckmann C. L. and Tsolos, A. | SARDI | 2022 | |
Australia | South Australia | Marine Scalefish Fishery | Snapper | Chrysophrys auratus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Drew, M. J., Rogers, T. A., McGarvey, R., Feenstra, J., Matthews, D., Matthews, J., Earl, J., Smart, J., Noell, C. and Fowler, A. J. | SARDI | 2022 | |
Australia | South Australia | Marine Scalefish Fishery | King George whiting | Sillaginodes punctatus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Smart, J. J., McGarvey, R., Feenstra, J., Drew, M. J., Earl, J., Durante, L., Beckmann, C. L., Matthews, D., Matthews, J. M., Mark, K., Bussell, J., Davey, J., Tsolos, A. and Noell, C. | SARDI | 2023 | |
Australia | South Australia | Multiple gear and fisheries | Vongole (mud cockles) | Katelysia spp. | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY | Heldt, K. and Mayfield, S. | SARDI | 2020 | |
Australia | South Australia | SA Abalone | greenlip abalone | Haliotis laevigata | Stock Assessment | survey estimate | R | Mayfield, S, McGarvey, R, Carlson, I, Burch, P, Feenstra, J. | SADRI | 2008 | Link_not_available |
Australia | South Australia | SA Marine Scalefish | Southern Garfish | Hyporhamphus melanochir | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | ADMB | McGarvey, R, Fowler, AJ, Feenstra, JE, Burch, P, Jackson, WB | SADRI | 2009 | |
Australia | South Australia | SA Marine Scalefish | Snapper | Chrysophrys auratus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | ADMB | Fowler, AJ, McGarvey, R, Burch, P, Feenstra, JE, Jackson, WB | SADRI | 2010 | |
Australia | South Australia | SA Marine Scalefish | King George Whiting | Sillaginodes punctatus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | ADMB | Fowler, AJ, McGarvey, R, Burch, P, Feenstra, JE | SADRI | 2011 | |
Australia | South Australia | SA Marine Scalefish | Southern Garfish | Hyporhamphus melanochir | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | ADMB | Steer, MA, McGarvey, R, Fowler, AJ, Burch, P, Feenstra, JE, Jackson, WB, Lloyd, MT. | SADRI | 2012 | |
Australia | South Australia | SA Marine Scalefish | Snapper | Chrysophrys auratus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | ADMB | Fowler, AJ, McGarvey, R, Burch, P, Feenstra, JE, Jackson, WB, Lloyd, MT. | SADRI | 2013 | |
Australia | South Australia | SA Rock Lobster | Southern rock lobster | Jasus edwardsii | Stock Assessment | Size-structured | Unique | McGarvey, R., Linnane, A.J., Feenstra, J.E. Punt, A.E. and Matthews, J.M. | SARDI | 2015 | |
Australia | South Australia | SA Rock Lobster | Southern rock lobster | Jasus edwardsii | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | McGarvey, R., Matthews, J. M. and Prescott, J. H. | SARDI | 2015 | |
Australia | South Australia | SA Rock Lobster | Northern rock lobster | Jasus edwardsii | Stock Assessment | Size-structured | Unique | Linnane, A., McGarveyt, R., Feenstra, J. and Graske, D. | SARDI | 2021 | |
Australia | South Australia | SA Rock Lobster | Northern rock lobster | Jasus edwardsii | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Linnane, A., McGarveyt, R., Feenstra, J. and Graske, D. | SARDI | 2021 | |
Australia | South Australia | SA Rock Lobster | Southern rock lobster | Jasus edwardsii | Stock Assessment | Size-structured | Unique | Linnane, A., McGarvey, R., Feenstra, J. and Hawthorne, P. | SARDI | 2021 | |
Australia | South Australia | SA Rock Lobster | Southern rock lobster | Jasus edwardsii | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Linnane, A., McGarvey, R., Feenstra, J. and Hawthorne, P. | SARDI | 2021 | |
Australia | South Australia | SA Rock Lobster | Northern rock lobster | Jasus edwardsii | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Linnane, A., McGarvey, R., Feenstra, J. and Graske, D | SARDI | 2022 | |
Australia | South Australia | SA Rock Lobster | Southern rock lobster | Jasus edwardsii | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Linnane, A., McGarvey, R., Feenstra, J. and Hawthorne, P. | SARDI | 2022 | |
Australia | South Australia | SA Rock Lobster | Northern rock lobster | Jasus edwardsii | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Linnane, A., McGarvey, R., Feenstra, J., Mark, K. and Graske, D. | SARDI | 2023 | |
Australia | South Australia | SA Rock Lobster | Southern rock lobster | Jasus edwardsii | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Linnane, A., McGarvey, R., Feenstra, J. and Hawthorne, P. | SARDI | 2023 | |
Australia | South Australia | SA Small Pelagic | sardine | Sardinops sagax | Stock Assessment | DEPM | R | Ward, TM, Ivey, AR, McLeay, LJ, Burch, P. | SADRI | 2009 |,_Sardinops_sagax,_in_waters_off_South_Australia_in_2009.pdf |
Australia | South Australia | SA Small Pelagic | sardine | Sardinops sagax | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | ADMB | Ward, T, Burch, P, Ivey, A | SADRI | 2010 | |
Australia | South Australia | SA Small Pelagic | sardine | Sardinops sagax | Stock Assessment | DEPM | R | Ward, TM, Ivey, AR, Burch, P. | SADRI | 2011 | |
Australia | South Australia | SA Small Pelagic | sardine | Sardinops sagax | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | ADMB | Ward TM, Burch, P, Ivey, AR | SADRI | 2012 | |
Australia | South Australia | SA Small Pelagic | sardine | Sardinops sagax | Stock Assessment | DEPM | R | Ward, TM, Ivey, AR, Burch, P | SADRI | 2013 | |
Australia | South Australia | SA Vongole Fishery | Mud cockle | Katelysia spp. | survey estimate | R | Gorman, D, Mayfield, S, Burch, P, Ward, TM | SADRI | 2010 |,_harvestable_biomass_and_fisheries_biology_of_Katelysia_spp._in_the_South_Australian_commercial_mud_cockle_fishery.pdf | |
Australia | South Australia | SA Vongole Fishery | Mud cockle | Katelysia spp. | survey estimate | R | Dent, J, Mayfield, S, Burch, P, Gorman, D, Ward, T. 2012. Distribution, harvestable biomass and fisheries biology of Katelysia spp. in the South Australian commercial mud-cockle fishery. SARDI Research Report Series No. 595 | SADRI | 2012 |,_harvestable_biomass_and_fisheries_biology_of_Katelysia_spp._in_the_South_Australian_commercial_mud-cockle_fishery.pdf | |
Australia | South Australia | SA Vongole Fishery | Mud cockle | Katelysia spp. | survey estimate | R | Dent, J, Mayfield, S, Ferguson, G, Carroll, J, Burch, P. | SADRI | 2014 | | |
Australia | South Australia | Small Pelagic Fishery | Sardine | Sardinops sagax | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Ward, T.M., Smart, J. and Ivey, A. | SARDI | 2017 | |
Australia | South Australia | Small Pelagic Fishery | Sardine | Sardinops sagax | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Ward, T.M., Smart, J., Grammer, G., Ivey, A. and McGarvey, R. | SARDI | 2019 | |
Australia | South Australia | Small Pelagic Fishery | Sardine | Sardinops sagax | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Ward, T.M., Smart, J., Grammer, G., Ivey, A. and McGarvey, R. | SARDI | 2020 | |
Australia | South Australia | Small Pelagic Fishery | Sardine | Sardinops sagax | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Grammer, G.L., Bailleul, F., Ivey, A. and Smart, J. | SARDI | 2021 | |
Australia | Tasmania | Lobster | Southern rock lobster | Jasus edwardsii | Stock Assessment | Size-structured | Unique | Hartmann, K., Gardner, K., León, R. and Rizzari, J. | TDPIPWE | 2019 | |
Australia | Torres Strait Protected Zone Joint Authority | Torres Strait Beche-de-Mer Fishery | Black teatfish | Glaucosoma scapulare | Stock Assessment | Custom age-structured models | Unique | Éva Plagányi, Nicole Murphy, etc. | CSIRO | 2022 | Not_yet_available_online |
Australia | Torres Strait Protected Zone Joint Authority | Torres Strait Beche-de-Mer Fishery | White teatfish | Holothuria fuscogilva | Stock Assessment | Custom age-structured models | Unique | Éva Plagányi, Nicole Murphy, etc. | CSIRO | 2022 | Not_yet_available_online |
Australia | Torres Strait Protected Zone Joint Authority | Torres Strait Prawn Fishery | Brown Tiger Prawn | Penaeus esculentus | Stock Assessment | Delay difference | Unique | Turnbull, C. | Turnbull Consulting | 2019 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Torres Strait Protected Zone Joint Authority | Torres Strait Spanish Mackerel | Spanish Mackerel | Scomberomorus commerson | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | O'Neill, M.F. | QDAF | 2015 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Torres Strait Protected Zone Joint Authority | Torres Strait Spanish Mackerel | Spanish mackerel | Scomberomorus commerson | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | O’Neill M.F., Langstreth J.C., Trappett A.G., and Buckworth R.C. | QDAF | 2021 | |
Australia | Torres Strait Protected Zone Joint Authority | Torres Strait Spanish Mackerel | Spanish Mackerel | Scomberomorus commerson | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique and Stock Synthesis | Neill M.F., Langstreth J.C., Trappett A.G., Buckworth R.C. | QDAF | 2022 | |
Australia | Torres Strait Protected Zone Joint Authority | Torres Strait Spanish Mackerel | Spanish mackerel | Scomberomorus commerson | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | O’Neill M.F., Langstreth J.C., Trappett A.G., and Buckworth R.C. | QDAF | 2022 | |
Australia | Torres Strait Protected Zone Joint Authority | Torres Strait Spanish Mackerel | Spanish mackerel | Scomberomorus commerson | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | O’Neill M.F., Langstreth J.C., Trappett A.G., and Buckworth R.C. | QDAF | 2023 | |
Australia | Torres Strait Protected Zone Joint Authority | Torres Strait Tropical Rock Lobster Fishery | Tropical Rock Lobster | Panulitus ornatus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Plagányi, E., Kienzle, M., Dennis, D., Venables, W. Tonks, M., Murphy, N., Wassenberg, T. | CSIRO | 2010 | |
Australia | Torres Strait Protected Zone Joint Authority | Torres Strait Tropical Rock Lobster Fishery | Tropical Rock Lobster | Panulitus ornatus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Plagányi, E., Campbell, R., Tonks, M, Murphy, N., Deng, R., Salee, K., Haywood, M., Upston, J., Coman, F., Edgar, S., Hutton, T., Moeseneder, C. | CSIRO | 2019 | |
Australia | Torres Strait Protected Zone Joint Authority | Torres Strait Tropical Rock Lobster Fishery | Tropical Rock Lobster | Panulitus ornatus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Plagányi, É.E., Dutra, L., Murphy, N., Edgar, S., Campbell, R., Deng, R., Upston, J., Salee, K., Blamey, L. | CSIRO | 2022 | |
Australia | Victoria | Giant crab | Giant crab | Pseudocarcinus gigas | Stock Assessment | VFA | VFA | 2024 | | ||
Australia | Victoria | Lobster | Southern rock lobster | Jasus edwardsii | Stock Assessment | Size-structured | Unique | VFA | VFA | 2019 | |
Australia | Victoria | Lobster | Southern rock lobster | Jasus edwardsii | Stock Assessment | Size-structured | Unique | VFA | VFA | 2023 | |
Australia | Victoria | Multiple commercial, recreational | Multiple | Multiple | Stock Assessment | S. D. Conron, J. D. Bell, B. A. Ingram & H. K. Gorfine | Simon Conron | 2020 | | ||
Australia | Victoria | Multiple commercial, recreational | Multiple | Multiple | Stock Assessment | J. D. Bell, B. A. Ingram, H. K. Gorfine & S. D. Conron | Justin Bell | 2022 | | ||
Australia | Victoria | Multiple commercial, recreational | Multiple | Multiple | Stock Assessment | J. D. Bell, B. A. Ingram, H. K. Gorfine & S. D. Conron | Justin Bell | 2023 | Not online | ||
Australia | Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission; Commonwealth | Tropical Tuna and Billfish Fishery | Bigeye Tuna | Thunnus obesus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | MULITIFAN-CL | McKechnie S, Pilling, G. and Hampton, J. | SPC-OFP | 2017 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission; Commonwealth | Tropical Tuna and Billfish Fishery | Broadbill Swordfish | Xiphias gladius | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | MULITIFAN-CL | Takeuchi Y, Pilling, G. and Hampton, J. | SPC-OFP | 2017 | |
Australia | Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission; Commonwealth | Tropical Tuna and Billfish Fishery | Yellowfin tuna | Thunnus albacares | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | MULITIFAN-CL | Tremblay-Boyer L., McKechnie, S. Pilling, G. and Hampton, J. | SPC-OFP | 2017 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission; Commonwealth | Tropical Tuna and Billfish Fishery | Yellowfin tuna | Thunnus albacares | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | MULITIFAN-CL | Tremblay-Boyer L., McKechnie, S. Pilling, G. and Hampton, J. | SPC-OFP | 2017 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission; Commonwealth | Tropical Tuna and Billfish Fishery | Albacore tuna (North Pacific) | Thunnus alulunga | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | Albacore Working Group | International | 2017 | file:///C:/Users/mcdic/Downloads/SC13-SA-WP-09%20Stock%20Assessment%20N%20Pacific%20Albacore%20Rev%202%20(combo%20v06).pdf |
Australia | Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission; Commonwealth | Tropical Tuna and Billfish Fishery | Broadbill Swordfish | Xiphias gladius | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | MULITIFAN-CL | Takeuchi Y, Pilling, G. and Hampton, J. | SPC-OFP | 2017 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission; Commonwealth | Tropical Tuna and Billfish Fishery | Bigeye Tuna | Thunnus obesus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | MULITIFAN-CL | McKechnie S, Pilling, G. and Hampton, J. | SPC-OFP | 2017 | Link_no_longer_available |
Australia | Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission; Commonwealth | Tropical Tuna and Billfish Fishery | Albacore tuna (South Pacific) | Thunnus alulunga | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | MULITIFAN-CL | Tremblay-Boyer L, Hampton, J., McKechnie, S., Pilling, G. | SPC-OFP | 2018 | |
Australia | Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission; Commonwealth | Tropical Tuna and Billfish Fishery | Shortfun Mako Shark | Isurus oxyrinchus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | ISC Shark Working Group | International | 2018 | |
Australia | Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission; Commonwealth | Tropical Tuna and Billfish Fishery | Albacore tuna (South Pacific) | Thunnus alulunga | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | MULITIFAN-CL | Tremblay-Boyer L, Hampton, J., McKechnie, S., Pilling, G. | SPC-OFP | 2018 | file:///C:/Users/mcdic/Downloads/SC14-SA-WP-05%20SPA%20stock%20assessment%20Rev%202%20(2%20Aug%202018)-1.pdf |
Australia | Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission; Commonwealth | Tropical Tuna and Billfish Fishery | SW Pacific Striped Marlin | Kajikia audax | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | MULITIFAN-CL | Ducharme Barth, N., Pilling, G. and Hampton, J. | SPC-OFP | 2019 | |
Australia | Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission; Commonwealth | Tropical Tuna and Billfish Fishery | SW Pacific Striped Marlin | Kajikia audax | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | MULITIFAN-CL | Ducharme Barth, N., Pilling, G. and Hampton, J. | SPC-OFP | 2019 | |
Australia | Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission; Commonwealth | Tropical Tuna and Billfish Fishery | Broadbill Swordfish | Xiphias gladius | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | MULITIFAN-CL | ISC Billfish Working Group | International | 2021 | |
Australia | Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission; Commonwealth | Tropical Tuna and Billfish Fishery | Albacore tuna (North Pacific) | Thunnus alulunga | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Stock Synthesis | ISC Albacore Working Group | International | 2023 | |
Australia | Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission; Commonwealth | Tropical Tuna and Billfish Fishery | Bigeye Tuna | Thunnus obesus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | MULITIFAN-CL | Day, J., Magnusson, A., Teears, T., Hampton, J., Davies, N., Castillo Jord́an, C., Peatman, T., Scott, R., Scutt Phillips, J., McKechnie, S., Scott, F., Yao, N., Natadra, R., Pilling, G., Williams, P., Hamer, P. | Day, J. | 2023 | |
Australia | Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission; Commonwealth | Tropical Tuna and Billfish Fishery | Yellowfin tuna | Thunnus albacares | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | MULITIFAN-CL | A. Magnusson, A., Day, J., Teears, T., Hampton, J., Davies, N., Castillo Jordan, C., Peatman, T., Scott, R., Scutt Phillips, J., McKechnie, S., Scott, F., Yao, N., Natadram R., Pilling, G., Williams, P. and Hamer, P. | Magnusson, A. | 2023 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Abalone Managed Fishery | Greenlip Abalone - Western Australia Area 2 Fishery | Haliotis laevigata | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, surplus production model, catch curve, per-recruit | unique, unique, unique, unique | Hart, A.M., Fabris, F., Brown, J. and Caputi, N. | DPIRD | 2013 |, |
Australia | Western Australia | Abalone Managed Fishery | Greenlip Abalone - Western Australia Area 3 Fishery | Haliotis laevigata | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, catch curve, per-recruit, integrated assessment (length) | unique, unique, unique, unique | Hart, A.M., Fabris, F., Brown, J. and Caputi, N. | DPIRD | 2013 |, |
Australia | Western Australia | Abalone Managed Fishery | Brownlip Abalone - Western Australia Area 2 Fishery | Haliotis rubra conicopora | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, surplus production model, catch curve, per-recruit, integrated assessment (length) | unique, unique, unique, unique, unique | Strain, L.W.S., Hesp, S.A., Fabris, F. and Hart, A.M. | DPIRD | 2017 |, |
Australia | Western Australia | Abalone Managed Fishery | Brownlip Abalone - Western Australia Area 3 Fishery | Haliotis rubra conicopora | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, surplus production model, catch curve, per-recruit, integrated assessment (length) | unique, unique, unique, unique, unique | Strain, L.W.S., Hesp, S.A., Fabris, F. and Hart, A.M. | DPIRD | 2017 |, |
Australia | Western Australia | Abalone Managed Fishery | Roe's Abalone - Western Australia Area 2 Fishery | Haliotis roei | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | Strain, L., Hart, A. and Jones, R. | DPIRD | 2019 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Abalone Managed Fishery | Roe's Abalone - Western Australia Area 5 Fishery | Haliotis roei | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | Strain, L., Hart, A. and Jones, R. | DPIRD | 2019 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Abalone Managed Fishery | Roe's Abalone - Western Australia Area 6 Fishery | Haliotis roei | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | Strain, L., Hart, A. and Jones, R. | DPIRD | 2019 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Abalone Managed Fishery | Roe's Abalone - Western Australia Area 7 Fishery | Haliotis roei | Stock Assessment | stock prediction model | NA | Strain, L., Hart, A. and Jones, R. | DPIRD | 2019 |, |
Australia | Western Australia | Abalone Managed Fishery | Roe's Abalone - Western Australia Area 8 Fishery | Haliotis roei | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | Strain, L., Hart, A. and Jones, R. | DPIRD | 2019 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Abalone Managed Fishery | Blacklip Abalone - Western Australia | Haliotis rubra rubra | Stock Assessment | NA - negligible | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Abrolhos Island and Midwest Trawl Managed Fishery | Saucer Scallop | Ylistrum balloti | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Cockburn Sound Crab Managed Fishery | Blue Swimmer Crab (Cockburn Sound) | Portunus armatus | Stock Assessment | state-space surplus production (primary productivity index & depensation) | unique | Marks, R., Hesp, S.A., Denham, A., Loneragan, N.R., Johnston, D. and Hall, N. | DPIRD | 2021 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Exmouth Developmental Crab Fishery | Blue Swimmer Crab | Portunus armatus | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | Johnston, D., Yeoh, D., Harris, D. and Fisher, E. | DPIRD | 2020 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Exmouth Gulf Prawn Managed Fishery | Brown Tiger Prawns | Penaeus esculentus | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, surplus production model | datalowSA, unique | Banks, R., McLoughlin, K. and Zaharia, M. | Marine Stewarship Council | 2019 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Exmouth Gulf Prawn Managed Fishery | Western King Prawns | Melicertus (Penaeus) latisulcatus | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, surplus production model | datalowSA, unique | Banks, R., McLoughlin, K. and Zaharia, M. | Marine Stewarship Council | 2019 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Exmouth Gulf Prawn Managed Fishery | Blue Endeavour Prawns | Metapenaeus endeavouri | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, surplus production model | datalowSA, unique | Banks, R. and McLoughlin, K. | Marine Stewarship Council | 2019 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Exmouth Gulf Prawn Managed Fishery | Banana Prawns | Penaeus indicus & Penaeus merguiensis | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Exmouth Gulf Prawn Managed Fishery | Redspot King Prawn | Melicertus longistylus | Stock Assessment | NA - negligible | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Gascoyne Demersal Scalefish Managed Fishery | Spangled Emperor | Lethrinus nebulosus | Stock Assessment | catch curve, per-recruit | unique, unique | Marriott, R., Jackson, G., Lenanton, R., Telfer, C., Lai, E., Stephenson, P., Bruce, C., Adams, D. and Norriss, J. | DPIRD | 2012 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Gascoyne Demersal Scalefish Managed Fishery | Pink Snapper | Chrysophrys auratus | Stock Assessment | catch curve, per-recruit, integrated assessment (age) | unique, unique, unique | Jackson, G., Denham, A., Hesp, S.A., Hall, N., Fisher, E. and Stephenson, P. | DPIRD | 2020 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Gascoyne Demersal Scalefish Managed Fishery | Goldband Snapper | Pristipomoides multidens | Stock Assessment | catch curve, per-recruit | unique, unique | Jackson, G., Denham, A., Hesp, S.A., Hall, N., Fisher, E. and Stephenson, P. | DPIRD | 2020 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Gascoyne Demersal Scalefish Managed Fishery | Ruby Snapper | Etelis spp. | Stock Assessment | catch curve, per-recruit | unique, unique | Wakefield, C.B., Williams, A.J., Fisher, E.A., Hall, N.G., Hesp, S.A., Halafihi, T., Kaltavara, J., Vourey, E., Taylor, B.M., O'Malley, J.M., Nicol, S.J., Wise, B.S. and Newman, S.J. | DPIRD | 2020 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Gascoyne Demersal Scalefish Managed Fishery | Red Emperor | Lutjanus sebae | Stock Assessment | NA - Indicator approach | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Geographe Bay/Leschenault Crab Fishery (Recreational only) | Blue Swimmer Crab (Geographe Bay/Leschenault) | Portunus armatus | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | Johnston, D., Harris, D. and Yeoh, D. | DPIRD | 2020 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Inshore Demersal Scalefish | Oceanic Pink Snapper | Pagrus auratus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Marriott, R., Jackson, G., Lenanton, R., Telfer, C., Lai, E., Stephenson, P., Bruce, C., Adams, D. and Norriss, J. | WADoF | 2014 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Inshore Demersal Scalefish | Spangled emperor | Lethrinus nebulosus | Stock Assessment | Catch curve | Unique | Marriott, R., Jackson, G., Lenanton, R., Telfer, C., Lai, E., Stephenson, P., Bruce, C., Adams, D. and Norriss, J. | WADoF | 2015 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Inshore Demersal Scalefish | Goldband snapper | Pristipomoides multidens | Stock Assessment | Catch curve | Unique | Marriott, R., Jackson, G., Lenanton, R., Telfer, C., Lai, E., Stephenson, P., Bruce, C., Adams, D. and Norriss, J. | WADoF | 2016 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Kimberley Crab Managed Fishery | Mud Crabs | Scylla spp. | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | Johnston, D., Yeoh, D., Harris, D. and Fisher, E. | DPIRD | 2020 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Kimberley Crab Managed Fishery | Ornate Rock Lobster | Panulirus ornatus | Stock Assessment | NA - negligible | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Kimberley Gillnet and Barramundi Managed Fishery | Barramundi | Lates calcarifer | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Kimberley Gillnet and Barramundi Managed Fishery | King Threadfin | Polydactylus macrochir | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Kimberley Gillnet and Barramundi Managed Fishery | Black Jewfish | Protonibea diacanthus | Stock Assessment | NA - Indicator approach | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Kimberley Gillnet and Barramundi Managed Fishery | Mangrove Jack | Lutjanus argentimaculatus | Stock Assessment | NA - Indicator approach | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Kimberley Gillnet and Barramundi Managed Fishery | Golden Snapper | Lutjanus johnii | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Kimberley Gillnet and Barramundi Managed Fishery | Blue Threadfin | Eleutheronema tetradactylum | Stock Assessment | NA - negligible | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Lake Argyle Silver Cobbler Fishery | Silver cobbler | Neoarius midgleyi | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | Trinnie, F., Skepper, C., Newman, S. and Balzeski, S. | DPIRD | 2023 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Mackerel Managed Fishery, Recreational & Charter | School Mackerel | Scomberomorus queenslandicus | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | Lewis, P. | DPIRD | 2020 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Mackerel Managed Fishery, Recreational & Charter | Spotted Mackerel | Scomberomorus munroi | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | Lewis, P. | DPIRD | 2020 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Mackerel Managed Fishery, Recreational & Charter | Spanish Mackerel | Scomberomorus commerson | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, catch curve, per recruit, state-space surplus production model | SimpleSA-DatalowSA, L3Assess, L3Assess, JABBA | Lewis, P. | DPIRD | 2020 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Mackerel Managed Fishery, Recreational & Charter | Grey Mackerel | Scomberomorus semifasciatus | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, state-space surplus production model | SimpleSA-DatalowSA, JABBA | Lewis, P. | DPIRD | 2020 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Mandurah to Bunbury Developing Crab | Blue Swimmer Crab (Mandurah-Bunbury) | Portunus armatus | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | Johnston, D., Harris, D. and Yeoh, D. | DPIRD | 2020 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Marine Aquarium Managed Fishery Section 43 Coral and Live Rock Order Hermit Crab Invertebrate Exemption Specimen Shell Managed Fishery Developmental Pipi and Cockle Fishery Trochus Exemption | Corals | Hard & soft corals | Stock Assessment | Ecological Risk Assessment | NA | Smith, K.A., Bissell, A. and Bruce, C. | DPIRD | 2022 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Marine Aquarium Managed Fishery Section 43 Coral and Live Rock Order Hermit Crab Invertebrate Exemption Specimen Shell Managed Fishery Developmental Pipi and Cockle Fishery Trochus Exemption | Clams | tridacnid clams | Stock Assessment | Ecological Risk Assessment | NA | Smith, K.A., Bissell, A. and Bruce, C. | DPIRD | 2022 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Marine Aquarium Managed Fishery Section 43 Coral and Live Rock Order Hermit Crab Invertebrate Exemption Specimen Shell Managed Fishery Developmental Pipi and Cockle Fishery Trochus Exemption | Syngnathids | Syngnathidae | Stock Assessment | Ecological Risk Assessment | NA | Smith, K.A., Bissell, A. and Bruce, C. | DPIRD | 2022 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Marine Aquarium Managed Fishery Section 43 Coral and Live Rock Order Hermit Crab Invertebrate Exemption Specimen Shell Managed Fishery Developmental Pipi and Cockle Fishery Trochus Exemption | Hermit Crabs | Coenobita variabilis | Stock Assessment | Ecological Risk Assessment | NA | Smith, K.A., Bissell, A. and Bruce, C. | DPIRD | 2022 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Marine Aquarium Managed Fishery Section 43 Coral and Live Rock Order Hermit Crab Invertebrate Exemption Specimen Shell Managed Fishery Developmental Pipi and Cockle Fishery Trochus Exemption | Trochus, others?? (Rhiannon, Lachlan, Steve) | Littorinidae, Neritidae, Trochidae & Turbinidae spp | Stock Assessment | Ecological Risk Assessment | NA | Smith, K.A., Bissell, A. and Bruce, C. | DPIRD | 2022 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Marine Aquarium Managed Fishery Section 43 Coral and Live Rock Order Hermit Crab Invertebrate Exemption Specimen Shell Managed Fishery Developmental Pipi and Cockle Fishery Trochus Exemption | Specimen Shell Fishery | Mollusca | Stock Assessment | Ecological Risk Assessment | NA | Smith, K.A., Bissell, A. and Bruce, C. | DPIRD | 2022 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Marine Aquarium Managed Fishery Section 43 Coral and Live Rock Order Hermit Crab Invertebrate Exemption Specimen Shell Managed Fishery Developmental Pipi and Cockle Fishery Trochus Exemption | Shortspined Sea Urchin | Heliocidaris erythrogramma | Stock Assessment | Ecological Risk Assessment | NA | Smith, K.A., Bissell, A. and Bruce, C. | DPIRD | 2022 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Multiple gear and fisheries | Herring | Arripis georgianus | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Wise, B. and Moloney, B. (Eds) | DPIRD | 2018 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Multiple gear and fisheries | Herring | Arripis georgianus | Stock Assessment | Catch only | Unique | Wise, B. and Moloney, B. (Eds) | DPIRD | 2018 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Multiple gear and fisheries | dhufish | Glaucosoma hebraicum | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Fairclough, D.V., Hesp, A.A., Denham, A.M., Fisher, A. amd Marks, R. | DPIRD | 2021 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Multiple gear and fisheries | dhufish | Glaucosoma hebraicum | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Fairclough, D.V., Hesp, A.A., Denham, A.M., Fisher, A. amd Marks, R. | DPIRD | 2021 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Multiple gear and fisheries | Herring | Arripis georgianus | Stock Assessment | Length-based | GTG-LBSPR (LBSPR) | Duffy, R.E., Hart, A.M., Caputi, N., Hesp, S.A. and Quinn, A. | DPIRD | 2021 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Multiple gear and fisheries | Herring | Arripis georgianus | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Duffy, R.E., Hart, A.M., Caputi, N., Hesp, S.A. and Quinn, A. | DPIRD | 2021 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Multiple gear and fisheries | Herring | Arripis georgianus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Duffy, R.E., Hart, A.M., Caputi, N., Hesp, S.A. and Quinn, A. | DPIRD | 2021 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Multiple gear and fisheries | Snapper | Chrysophrys auratus | Stock Assessment | Catch only | cMSY (datalowSA) | Fairclough, D.V., Hesp, A.A., Denham, A.M., Fisher, A. amd Marks, R. | DPIRD | 2021 | Not available online |
Australia | Western Australia | Multiple gear and fisheries | Snapper | Chrysophrys auratus | Stock Assessment | Integrated assessment | Unique | Fairclough, D.V., Hesp, A.A., Denham, A.M., Fisher, A. amd Marks, R. | DPIRD | 2021 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Nickol Bay Prawn Managed Fishery Onslow Prawn Managed Fishery Broome Prawn Managed Fishery Kimberley Prawn Managed Fishery | Banana Prawns | Penaeus indicus & Penaeus merguiensis | Stock Assessment | state-space surplus production model | unique | Marks, R., Hesp, S.A., Kangas, M., Loneragan, N.R. and Hall, N. | DPIRD | 2024 | Not available online |
Australia | Western Australia | Nickol Bay Prawn Managed Fishery Onslow Prawn Managed Fishery Broome Prawn Managed Fishery Kimberley Prawn Managed Fishery | Banana Prawns | Penaeus indicus & Penaeus merguiensis | Stock Assessment | state-space surplus production model | unique | Marks, R., Hesp, S.A., Kangas, M., Loneragan, N.R. and Hall, N. | DPIRD | 2024 | Not available online |
Australia | Western Australia | Nickol Bay Prawn Managed Fishery Onslow Prawn Managed Fishery Broome Prawn Managed Fishery Kimberley Prawn Managed Fishery | Brown Tiger Prawns | Penaeus esculentus | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Nickol Bay Prawn Managed Fishery Onslow Prawn Managed Fishery Broome Prawn Managed Fishery Kimberley Prawn Managed Fishery | Western King Prawns | Melicertus latisulcatus | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Nickol Bay Prawn Managed Fishery Onslow Prawn Managed Fishery Broome Prawn Managed Fishery Kimberley Prawn Managed Fishery | Moreton Bay Bugs | Thenus spp. | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Northern Demersal Scalefish Managed Fishery | Red Emperor | Lutjanus sebae | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, catch curve, per-recruit, integrated assessment (age) | SimpleSA, unique, unique, unique | DPIRD | DPIRD | 2020 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Northern Demersal Scalefish Managed Fishery | Goldband Snapper | Pristipomoides multidens | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, catch curve, per-recruit, integrated assessment (age) | SimpleSA, unique, unique, unique | DPIRD | DPIRD | 2020 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Northern Demersal Scalefish Managed Fishery | Rankin Cod | Epinephelus multinotatus | Stock Assessment | NA - Indicator approach | NA | DPIRD | DPIRD | 2020 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Northern Demersal Scalefish Managed Fishery | Cods | Plectropomus spp. & Variola spp. | Stock Assessment | NA - Indicator approach | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Northern Shark Fishery | Sandbar Shark | Carcharhinus plumbeus | Stock Assessment | stock reduction analysis | datalowSA | Braccini, M., Hesp, A. and Molony, B. | DPIRD | 2021 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Northern Shark Fishery | Dusky Whaler | Carcharhinus obscurus | Stock Assessment | stock reduction analysis | datalowSA | Braccini, M., Hesp, A. and Molony, B. | DPIRD | 2021 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Northern Shark Fishery | Australian Blacktip Shark +F126:I127 | Carcharhinus tilstoni | Stock Assessment | NA- Northern Territory jurisdiction | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Northern Shark Fishery | and Common Blacktip Shark | Carcharhinus limbatus | Stock Assessment | NA- Northern Territory jurisdiction | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Northern Shark Fishery | Spot-Tail Shark | Carcharhinus sorrah | Stock Assessment | NA - negligible | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Octopus Interim Managed Fishery Cockburn Sound (Line and Pot) Managed Fishery (pot component) Statewide Open Access Squid and Cuttlefish | Bright octopus | Octopus djinda | Stock Assessment | depletion method | unique | Hart, A.M., Murphy, D.M., Hesp, S.A. and Leporati, S. | DPIRD | 2019 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Octopus Interim Managed Fishery Cockburn Sound (Line and Pot) Managed Fishery (pot component) Statewide Open Access Squid and Cuttlefish | Squid | Order Teuthoidea - undifferentiate | Stock Assessment | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0 | Not available online |
Australia | Western Australia | Pearl Oyster Wildstock Fishery Pearl Oyster Culture Industry | Pearl Oyster | Pinctada maxima | Stock Assessment | stock prediction model (spat settlement index) | unique | Hart, A.M., Thomson, A.W. and Murphy, D. | DPIRD | 2011 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Pilbara Crab Managed Fishery | Blue Swimmer Crab | Portunus armatus | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | Johnston, D., Yeoh, D., Harris, D. and Fisher, E. | DPIRD | 2020 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Pilbara Trap Managed Fishery Pilbara Fish Trawl (Interim) Managed Fishery Pilbara Line Fishery | Rankin Cod | Epinephelus multinotatus | Stock Assessment | catch curve, per-recruit, integrated assessment (age) | unique, unique, unique | DPIRD | DPIRD | 2020 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Pilbara Trap Managed Fishery Pilbara Fish Trawl (Interim) Managed Fishery Pilbara Line Fishery | Ruby Snapper | Etelis spp. | Stock Assessment | catch curve, per-recruit | unique, unique | Wakefield, C.B., Williams, A.J., Fisher, E.A., Hall, N.G., Hesp, S.A., Halafihi, T., Kaltavara, J., Vourey, E., Taylor, B.M., O'Malley, J.M., Nicol, S.J., Wise, B.S. and Newman, S.J. | DPIRD | 2020 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Pilbara Trap Managed Fishery Pilbara Fish Trawl (Interim) Managed Fishery Pilbara Line Fishery | Red Emperor | Lutjanus sebae | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, catch curve, per-recruit, integrated assessment (age) | datalowSA, L3Assess, L3Assess, unique | Wakefield, C. W., Denham, A., Trinnie, F., Hesp, S.A., Boddington, D. and Newman, S. | DPIRD | 2024 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Pilbara Trap Managed Fishery Pilbara Fish Trawl (Interim) Managed Fishery Pilbara Line Fishery | Bluespotted Emperor | Lethrinus punctulatus | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, catch curve, per-recruit, integrated assessment (age) | datalowSA, L3Assess, L3Assess, unique | Wakefield, C. W., Denham, A., Trinnie, F., Hesp, S.A., Boddington, D. and Newman, S. | DPIRD | 2024 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Pilbara Trap Managed Fishery Pilbara Fish Trawl (Interim) Managed Fishery Pilbara Line Fishery | Goldband Snapper | Pristipomoides multidens | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, catch curve, per-recruit | datalowSA, L3Assess, L3Assess | Wakefield, C. W., Denham, A., Trinnie, F., Hesp, S.A., Boddington, D. and Newman, S. | DPIRD | 2024 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Pilbara Trap Managed Fishery Pilbara Fish Trawl (Interim) Managed Fishery Pilbara Line Fishery | Crimson Snapper | Lutjanus erythropterus | Stock Assessment | NA - Indicator approach | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Pilbara Trap Managed Fishery Pilbara Fish Trawl (Interim) Managed Fishery Pilbara Line Fishery | Saddletail Snapper | Lutjanus malabaricus | Stock Assessment | NA - Indicator approach | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Pilbara Trap Managed Fishery Pilbara Fish Trawl (Interim) Managed Fishery Pilbara Line Fishery | Brownstripe Snapper | Lutjanus vitta | Stock Assessment | NA - Indicator approach | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Pilbara Trap Managed Fishery Pilbara Fish Trawl (Interim) Managed Fishery Pilbara Line Fishery | Stripey Snapper | Lutjanus carponotatus | Stock Assessment | NA - negligible | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Pilbara Trap Managed Fishery Pilbara Fish Trawl (Interim) Managed Fishery Pilbara Line Fishery | Barred Javelin | Pomadasys kaakan | Stock Assessment | NA - Indicator approach | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Pilbara Trap Managed Fishery Pilbara Fish Trawl (Interim) Managed Fishery Pilbara Line Fishery | Cobia | Rachycentron canadum | Stock Assessment | NA - negligible | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Recreational Marron Fishery Recreational Freshwater Finfish Fishery | Marron | Cherax cainii | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | Duffy, R., Trinnie, F., Ryan,. K. and Nolan, D. | DPIRD | 2023 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Recreational Marron Fishery Recreational Freshwater Finfish Fishery | Freshwater finfish | Oncorhynchus mykiss & Salmo trutta | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | Duffy, R., Trinnie, F., Ryan,. K. and Nolan, D. | DPIRD | 2023 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Rock Lobster | Western rock lobster | Panulirus cygnus | Stock Assessment | Size-structured | Unique | de Lestang, S., Caputi, N., How, J., Melville-Smith, R., Thomson, A. and Stephenson, P. | WADoF | 2015 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Shark Bay Beach Seine and Mesh Net Managed Fishery Exmouth Gulf Beach Seine Fishery Carnarvon Mesh Net Fishery | Pink Snapper | Chrysophrys auratus | Stock Assessment | catch curve, per-recruit, integrated assessment (age) | unique, unique, unique | Marriott, R., Jackson, G., Lenanton, R., Telfer, C., Lai, E., Stephenson, P., Bruce, C., Adams, D. and Norriss, J. | DPIRD | 2012 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Shark Bay Beach Seine and Mesh Net Managed Fishery Exmouth Gulf Beach Seine Fishery Carnarvon Mesh Net Fishery | Pink Snapper | Chrysophrys auratus | Stock Assessment | catch curve, per-recruit, integrated assessment (age) | unique, unique, unique | Marriott, R., Jackson, G., Lenanton, R., Telfer, C., Lai, E., Stephenson, P., Bruce, C., Adams, D. and Norriss, J. | DPIRD | 2012 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Shark Bay Beach Seine and Mesh Net Managed Fishery Exmouth Gulf Beach Seine Fishery Carnarvon Mesh Net Fishery | Pink Snapper | Chrysophrys auratus | Stock Assessment | catch curve, per-recruit, integrated assessment (age) | unique, unique, unique | Marriott, R., Jackson, G., Lenanton, R., Telfer, C., Lai, E., Stephenson, P., Bruce, C., Adams, D. and Norriss, J. | DPIRD | 2012 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Shark Bay Beach Seine and Mesh Net Managed Fishery Exmouth Gulf Beach Seine Fishery Carnarvon Mesh Net Fishery | Whitings | Sillago schomburgkii | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, state-space surplus production, abundance-MSY | datalowSA, JABBA/SPiCT, AMSY (Froese et al. 2020) | Evans-Powell, R.T., Hesp, S.A., Jackson, G. and Denham, A. | DPIRD | 2023 | Not online - can reference new SAFS reports when published, paper in prep |
Australia | Western Australia | Shark Bay Beach Seine and Mesh Net Managed Fishery Exmouth Gulf Beach Seine Fishery Carnarvon Mesh Net Fishery | Sea Mullet | Mugil cephalus | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, state-space surplus production, abundance-MSY, catch curve, per-recruit | datalowSA, JABBA/SPiCT, AMSY (Froese et al. 2020), L3Assess, L3Assess | Evans-Powell, R.T., Hesp, S.A., Jackson, G. and Denham, A. | DPIRD | 2023 | Not online - can reference new SAFS reports when published, paper in prep |
Australia | Western Australia | Shark Bay Beach Seine and Mesh Net Managed Fishery Exmouth Gulf Beach Seine Fishery Carnarvon Mesh Net Fishery | Tailor | Pomatomus saltatrix | Stock Assessment | abundance-MSY | AMSY (Froese et al. 2020) | Evans-Powell, R.T., Hesp, S.A., Jackson, G. and Denham, A. | DPIRD | 2023 | Not online - can reference new SAFS reports when published, paper in prep |
Australia | Western Australia | Shark Bay Beach Seine and Mesh Net Managed Fishery Exmouth Gulf Beach Seine Fishery Carnarvon Mesh Net Fishery | Western Yellowfin Bream | Acanthopagrus morrisoni | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, state-space surplus production, abundance-MSY | datalowSA, JABBA/SPiCT, AMSY (Froese et al. 2020) | Evans-Powell, R.T., Hesp, S.A., Jackson, G. and Denham, A. | DPIRD | 2023 | Not online - can reference new SAFS reports when published, paper in prep |
Australia | Western Australia | Shark Bay Beach Seine and Mesh Net Managed Fishery Exmouth Gulf Beach Seine Fishery Carnarvon Mesh Net Fishery | Grass (Black) Emperor | Lethrinus laticaudis | Stock Assessment | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0 | Not available online |
Australia | Western Australia | Shark Bay Crab Managed Fishery | Blue Swimmer Crab | Portunus armatus | Stock Assessment | surplus production model | unique | Chandrapavan, A., Kangas, M.I., Johnston, D., Caputi, N., Hesp, S.A., Denham, A. and Sporer, E. | DPIRD | 2018 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Shark Bay Prawn Managed Fishery | Brown Tiger Prawns | Penaeus esculentus | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, state-space surplus production model | datalowSA, unique | Banks, R., McLoughlin, K. and Zaharia, M.; Hesp, S.A., Caputi, N., Penn, J., Kangas, M., Sporer,E., Hogan, B. and Clement, J. | Marine Stewardship Council; DPIRD | 2023 |; |
Australia | Western Australia | Shark Bay Prawn Managed Fishery | Western King Prawns | Melicertus (Penaeus) latisulcatus | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, state-space surplus production model | datalowSA, unique | Banks, R., McLoughlin, K. and Zaharia, M.; Hesp, S.A., Caputi, N., Penn, J., Kangas, M., Sporer,E., Hogan, B. and Clement, J. | Marine Stewardship Council; DPIRD | 2023 |; |
Australia | Western Australia | Shark Bay Scallop Managed Fishery | Saucer Scallop | Ylistrum balloti | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | South Coast Crustacean Managed Fishery | Southern Rock Lobster | Jasus edwardsii | Stock Assessment | Extended depletion model | unique | de Lestang, S. and How, J. | DPIRD | 2023 | |
Australia | Western Australia | South Coast Crustacean Managed Fishery | Crystal Crab | Chaceon albus | Stock Assessment | state-space surplus production model | unique | Tuffley, E., How, J. and Wiberg, L. | DPIRD | 2023 | |
Australia | Western Australia | South Coast Crustacean Managed Fishery | Champagne Crab | Hypothalassia acerba | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | South Coast Crustacean Managed Fishery | Giant Crab | Pseudocarcinus gigas | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | South Coast Estuarine Managed Fishery,South Coast Herring Trap (closed) South Coast Salmon Managed Fishery South Coast Nearshore Net Managed Fishery (NEW) South Coast Line and Fish Trap Managed Fishery (NEW | Cobbler (multiple estuaries) | Cnidoglanis macrocephalus | Stock Assessment | catch curve | unique | Chuwen, B.M., Potter, I.C., Hall, N.G., Hoeksema, S.D. and Laurenson, L.J.B. | Murdoch University (Center for Fish and Fisheries Research) | 2011 | |
Australia | Western Australia | South Coast Estuarine Managed Fishery,South Coast Herring Trap (closed) South Coast Salmon Managed Fishery South Coast Nearshore Net Managed Fishery (NEW) South Coast Line and Fish Trap Managed Fishery (NEW | King George Whiting | Sillaginodes punctatus | Stock Assessment | catch curve, per-recruit | unique, unique | Fisher, E.A., Hesp, S.A., Hall, N.G. Sulin, E.H. | DPIRD | 2014 | |
Australia | Western Australia | South Coast Estuarine Managed Fishery,South Coast Herring Trap (closed) South Coast Salmon Managed Fishery South Coast Nearshore Net Managed Fishery (NEW) South Coast Line and Fish Trap Managed Fishery (NEW | Blue swimmer crab | Portunus armatus | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | Johnston, D., Harris, D. and Yeoh, D. | DPIRD | 2020 | |
Australia | Western Australia | South Coast Estuarine Managed Fishery,South Coast Herring Trap (closed) South Coast Salmon Managed Fishery South Coast Nearshore Net Managed Fishery (NEW) South Coast Line and Fish Trap Managed Fishery (NEW | Common Sand Crab (Ocean Surf Crab) | Ovalipes australiensis | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | Johnston, D., Harris, D. and Yeoh, D. | DPIRD | 2020 | |
Australia | Western Australia | South Coast Estuarine Managed Fishery,South Coast Herring Trap (closed) South Coast Salmon Managed Fishery South Coast Nearshore Net Managed Fishery (NEW) South Coast Line and Fish Trap Managed Fishery (NEW | Australian Herring (management unit) | Arripis georgianus | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, catch curve, per-recruit, length-based spawning potential ratio, stock-recruitment-environmental relationships (SRER), integrated assessment (age) | datalowSA, unique, unique, GTG-LBSPR, unique, unique | Duffy, R.E., Hart, A.M., Caputi, N., Hesp, S.A., Quinn, A., Denham, A. and Smith, K. | DPIRD | 2021 | |
Australia | Western Australia | South Coast Estuarine Managed Fishery,South Coast Herring Trap (closed) South Coast Salmon Managed Fishery South Coast Nearshore Net Managed Fishery (NEW) South Coast Line and Fish Trap Managed Fishery (NEW | Western Australian Salmon | Arripis truttaceus | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, catch curve, per-recruit | datalowSA, L3Assess, L3Assess | Duffy, R.E., Brooks, B.M., Hesp, S.A., Quinn, A. Hodgson, B. and Newman, M. | DPIRD | 2023 | |
Australia | Western Australia | South Coast Estuarine Managed Fishery,South Coast Herring Trap (closed) South Coast Salmon Managed Fishery South Coast Nearshore Net Managed Fishery (NEW) South Coast Line and Fish Trap Managed Fishery (NEW | Black Bream (multiple estuaries) | Acanthopagrus butcheri | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | South Coast Estuarine Managed Fishery,South Coast Herring Trap (closed) South Coast Salmon Managed Fishery South Coast Nearshore Net Managed Fishery (NEW) South Coast Line and Fish Trap Managed Fishery (NEW | Southern Sand Flathead | Platycephalus bassensis | Stock Assessment | NA - negligible | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | South Coast Estuarine Managed Fishery,South Coast Herring Trap (closed) South Coast Salmon Managed Fishery South Coast Nearshore Net Managed Fishery (NEW) South Coast Line and Fish Trap Managed Fishery (NEW | Southern Bluespotted Flathead | Platycephalus speculator | Stock Assessment | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0 | Not available online |
Australia | Western Australia | South Coast Estuarine Managed Fishery,South Coast Herring Trap (closed) South Coast Salmon Managed Fishery South Coast Nearshore Net Managed Fishery (NEW) South Coast Line and Fish Trap Managed Fishery (NEW | Vongoles | Katelysia spp. | Stock Assessment | NA - negligible | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | South Coast Line and Fish Trap Managed Fishery (NEW) | Pink Snapper | Chrysophrys auratus | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, state-space surplus prouction, catch curve, per-recruit | datalowSA, JABBA, L3Assess, L3Assess | Norris, J.V., Hesp, S.A., Fairclough, D.V., Evans-Powell, R.T., Hancock, B., Fisher, E.A., Leary, T. and Jarvis, N. | DPIRD | 2024 | Not available online |
Australia | Western Australia | South Coast Line and Fish Trap Managed Fishery (NEW) | Bight Redfish | Centroberyx gerrardi | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, state-space surplus prouction, catch curve, per-recruit | datalowSA, JABBA, L3Assess, L3Assess | Norris, J.V., Hesp, S.A., Fairclough, D.V., Evans-Powell, R.T., Hancock, B., Fisher, E.A., Leary, T. and Jarvis, N. | DPIRD | 2024 | Not available online |
Australia | Western Australia | South Coast Line and Fish Trap Managed Fishery (NEW) | Blue Morwong | Nemadactylus valenciennesi | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, catch curve, per-recruit | datalowSA, L3Assess, L3Assess | Norris, J.V., Hesp, S.A., Fairclough, D.V., Evans-Powell, R.T., Hancock, B., Fisher, E.A., Leary, T. and Jarvis, N. | DPIRD | 2024 | Not available online |
Australia | Western Australia | South Coast Line and Fish Trap Managed Fishery (NEW) | Western Blue Groper | Achoerodus gouldii | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, state-space surplus prouction, catch curve, per-recruit | datalowSA, JABBA, L3Assess, L3Assess | Norris, J.V., Hesp, S.A., Fairclough, D.V., Evans-Powell, R.T., Hancock, B., Fisher, E.A., Leary, T. and Jarvis, N. | DPIRD | 2024 | Not available online |
Australia | Western Australia | South Coast Line and Fish Trap Managed Fishery (NEW) | Hapuku | Polyprion oxygeneios | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, state-space surplus prouction, catch curve | datalowSA, JABBA, unique | Norris, J.V., Hesp, S.A., Fairclough, D.V., Evans-Powell, R.T., Hancock, B., Fisher, E.A., Leary, T. and Jarvis, N.; Wakefield, C.B., Newman, S.J. and Molony, B.W. | DPIRD | 2024 | Not available online |
Australia | Western Australia | South Coast Trawl Fishery | Saucer Scallop | Ylistrum balloti | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | South Coast Trawl Fishery | Balmain Bugs* | Ibacus spp. | Stock Assessment | NA - negligible | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | South West Trawl Fishery | Saucer Scallop | Ylistrum balloti | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | South West Trawl Fishery | Western King Prawns* | Melicertus (Penaeus) latisulcatus | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | South West Trawl Fishery | Finfish* | Stock Assessment | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0 | Not available online | |
Australia | Western Australia | Various WCDSMF, TDGDLMF, SCLFTMF, Recreational & Charter | Mahi Mahis | Coryphaena hippurus | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | Lewis, P. | DPIRD | 2020 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Various WCDSMF, TDGDLMF, SCLFTMF, Recreational & Charter | Yellowtail Kingfish | Yellowtail Kingfish | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY | SimpleSA-DatalowSA | Lewis, P. | DPIRD | 2020 | |
Australia | Western Australia | Various WCDSMF, TDGDLMF, SCLFTMF, Recreational & Charter | Samsonfish | Seriola hippos | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, Length-based catch curve (LBCC), state-spacesurplus production model | SimpleSA-DatalowSA, L3Assess, JABBA | Lewis, P.; Crisafulli et al 2024 | DPIRD | 2020 |; Crisafulli et al,Length based, Updated RAR In Prep |
Australia | Western Australia | Various WCDSMF, TDGDLMF, SCLFTMF, Recreational & Charter | Tunas (multiple species)* | Stock Assessment | NA - Commonwealth jurisdiction | NA | NA | NA | 0 | | |
Australia | Western Australia | Warnbro Sound Crab Managed Fishery | Blue Swimmer Crab (Warnbro Sound) | Portunus armatus | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | Johnston, D., Harris, D. and Yeoh, D. | DPIRD | 2020 | |
Australia | Western Australia | West Coast Deep Sea Crustacean Managed Fishery | Crystal Crab | Chaceon albus | Stock Assessment | catch curve, per-recruit, integrated assessment (length) | L3Assess, L3Assess, Stock Synthesis | Tuffley, E., de Lestang, D. and Hesp, S.A. | DPIRD | 2024 | Not available online |
Australia | Western Australia | West Coast Deep Sea Crustacean Managed Fishery | Champagne Crab | Hypothalassia acerba | Stock Assessment | state-space surplus production model | unique | Tuffley, E., de Lestang, D. and Hesp, S.A. | DPIRD | 2024 | Not available online |
Australia | Western Australia | West Coast Deep Sea Crustacean Managed Fishery | Giant Crab | Pseudocarcinus gigas | Stock Assessment | Empirical assessment | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | West Coast Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Managed Fishery;Southern Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Fishery | Sandbar Shark | Carcharhinus plumbeus | Stock Assessment | stock reduction analysis | datalowSA | Braccini, M., Hesp, A. and Molony, B. | DPIRD | 2021 | |
Australia | Western Australia | West Coast Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Managed Fishery;Southern Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Fishery | Dusky Whaler | Carcharhinus obscurus | Stock Assessment | stock reduction analysis | datalowSA | Braccini, M., Hesp, A. and Molony, B. | DPIRD | 2021 | |
Australia | Western Australia | West Coast Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Managed Fishery;Southern Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Fishery | Whiskery Sharks | Furgaleus macki | Stock Assessment | stock reduction analysis, integrated model (length) | datalowSA, unique | Braccini, M., Hesp, A. and Molony, B. | DPIRD | 2021 | |
Australia | Western Australia | West Coast Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Managed Fishery;Southern Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Fishery | Gummy Sharks | Mustelus antarcticus | Stock Assessment | stock reduction analysis | datalowSA | Braccini, M., Hesp, A. and Molony, B. | DPIRD | 2021 | |
Australia | Western Australia | West Coast Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Managed Fishery;Southern Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Fishery | School Sharks | Galeorhinus galeus | Stock Assessment | NA - Commonwealth jurisdiction | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | West Coast Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Managed Fishery;Southern Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Fishery | Sawsharks (multiple species) | Pristiophorus spp. | Stock Assessment | NA - Commonwealth jurisdiction | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | West Coast Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Managed Fishery;Southern Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Fishery | Bronze Whaler | Carcharhinus brachyurus | Stock Assessment | NA - undefined | NA | NA | NA | 0 | |
Australia | Western Australia | West Coast Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Managed Fishery;Southern Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Fishery | Other Sharks | Stock Assessment | NA | 0 | Not available online | ||||
Australia | Western Australia | West Coast Demersal Scalefish Managed Fishery Cockburn Sound (Line and Pot) Managed Fishery (Line only) | Baldchin Groper | Choerodon rubescens | Stock Assessment | catch curve, per-recruit | unique, unique | Fairclough D.V., Molony, B.W., Crisafulli, B.M., Keay, I.S., Hesp, S.A. and Marriott, R.J. | DPIRD | 2014 | |
Australia | Western Australia | West Coast Demersal Scalefish Managed Fishery Cockburn Sound (Line and Pot) Managed Fishery (Line only) | Pink Snapper | Chrysophrys auratus | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, catch curve, per-recruit, state-space surplus production, integrated assessment (age) | datalowSA, L3Assess, L3Assess, unique, unique | Fairclough, D.V., Hesp, S.A., Denham, A., Fisher, E.A., Marks, R., Ryan, K.L., Lek, E., Allen, R. and Crisafulli, B.M. | DPIRD | 2021 |; 2024 update not online |
Australia | Western Australia | West Coast Demersal Scalefish Managed Fishery Cockburn Sound (Line and Pot) Managed Fishery (Line only) | Dhufish | Glaucosoma hebraicum | Stock Assessment | catch-MSY, catch curve, per-recruit, state-space surplus production, integrated assessment (age) | datalowSA, L3Assess, L3Assess, unique, unique | Fairclough, D.V., Hesp, S.A., Denham, A., Fisher, E.A., Marks, R., Ryan, K.L., Lek, E., Allen, R. and Crisafulli, B.M. | DPIRD | 2021 |